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Show Bride-elect Is Honored At Trousseau Tea Mrs. G. Y. Anderson on Sunday held open house at a nicely arranged ar-ranged trousseas tea, honoring her daughter Jean, bride-elect of this month. The rooms were gay and colorful with gorgeous red roses, red and white carnations and sweetpeas. From two until after five o'clock a constant flow of relatives and friends of the charming bride-elect passed through the rooms, viewing the beautiful trousseau. Receiving friends at the door was Mrs. Wayne B. Hales an aunt of Miss Anderson and receiving were Miss Jean, her mother, and Mrs. A. C. Sorenson of Provo, mother of the bridegroom-elect, while showing show-ing friends to the display rooms were Mrs. David Wilson of Ogden, also an aunt, assisted by Isable Cannon, Margaret Hales, Margaret Wilson, Donna Banks, Patsy Anderson, And-erson, Lyravine Grant and Carol Butler. At the serving table were officers of the First ward Relief society, Florence Croft, Alta Hone and Laura Allied, while young ladies who served were Dorace Peay, Jeneall Fautin, Ludean Jameson, Jam-eson, Emmeline Kirk, Geraldine Thorne, Barbara Jensen and Marilyn Mar-ilyn Simper. |