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Show Miss Lois Frampton Becomes Mrs. James Clark In a very nicely arranged wedding wedd-ing at the Second ward chapel, on September 23, Miss Lois Frampton, Framp-ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frampton exchanged nuptial vows with James C. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Clark of Orem. The marriage service was performed per-formed at 7:30 in the presence of close relatives with Bishop Reed O. Walker of the Second ward officiating. For her wedding gown the bride chose starched marquisette. Her fingertip veil fell from a heart-shaped heart-shaped tiara of seed pearls. She carried a bridal bouquet of gardenias, gard-enias, nestled in red roses. Her sister, Mrs. Elwood Allen, gowned in saphire blue crepe was matron of honor, Mrs. Howard Humphries, attending matron wore blue organdy, while Misses Mary Matthews, and Jeanne Clark, bridesmaids wore y?llow and g."een respectively. All carried nosegays of asters and gardenias. Finishing the bridal party were the parents of the bride and groom and best man William Martin. Mar-tin. Little Janice Allen, clad in pink nylon was flower girl, while her escort, Master Stephen Frampton Framp-ton was formally dressed. Mrs. Frampton and Mrs. Clark wore afternoon dresses and pinned corsages cor-sages of gardenias and roses on their shoulders. At S:.';0 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Frampton entertained at a wedding reception where the just weds and their party received relatives rel-atives and friends under a balcony of gladioli, ferns and other flower over which lighted candles gleamed gleam-ed brightly. At the door receiving friends were Mr. and Mrs. Nyal Frampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Frampton; Framp-ton; assisting were Jesse Frampton Framp-ton and Blaine Frampton, ushers. Calvin Swenson was master of ceremonies and after the break-up of the reception line introduced program numbers. Two selections "Southern Moon" and "Sweetest Story Ever Told" by Allen brother broth-er quartette, Kirby, Taylor, Elwood El-wood and Leo Allen accompanied by Mrs. Taylor Allen; Donna Ash with musical assistance by War-I War-I ren Kirk toasted he bride while A. P. Warnick toasted the groom. A tap dance number were intro-duued intro-duued by Mrs. Paul Roundy of Springville. Dancing, refreshments and viewing view-ing the lovely gifts completed the evenings festivities. In the gift room, Mrs. Josiah Kemp, Mrs. Marion Adamson and Mrs. Calvin Frampton held sway. Receiving gifts at the door were Misses Jerry, Nyla and Betty Jean Frampton. The serving table in the spacious spac-ious hall was covered by a lovely lace cloth, and centered with a beautiful wedding cake flanked by bouquets of roses. Laree Matthews, LaVon Adamson, LaPriel Allen, Colleen Marrott, Rosalie Richards and Melvina Judd served, directed by Mrs. Howard Matthews, Mrs. Lewis Harmer and Mrs. Carter. The young couple have been honeymooning in the wonderlands of Southern Utah and will be at home to their many friends in ' Orem. j |