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Show Murray Girl Becomes Mrs. Lamar Beveridge Wilford M. Rowley of Murray has anounced the marriage of his daughter, LaTella and Lamar Beveridge, Bev-eridge, son of Mrs. Mary Beveridge of this city. The simple, but impressive ceremony cere-mony took place at the home of the brides brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marion H.. Rowley, Row-ley, also of Murray on September 17 with Bishop Elmer Christensen officiating. The attractive bride was attired in a gown of white and net, with fingertip veil that fell from a halo of orange blossoms. blos-soms. Her bridal bouquet consisted of roses centered with gardenias. Her attendants were Miss Bonnie Bon-nie Rowley, Mrs. Delores Kohler and Mrs. Ruth Frazer, all of whom wore lovely pastel gowns and held harmonizing bouquets. Darrell Beveridge performed the duties of best man for his brother. Later a reception at the home honored the young couple. The brides father, the grooms mother and the entire bridal party received re-ceived relatives and friends. The following morning the new-lyweds new-lyweds left for a honeymoon trip through Idaho and Montana, where at Helena they visited Mr. Bever-idge's Bever-idge's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown. For her going away the bride wore a red two piece suit with black accessories. The happy young couple are now at home at 190 N. Second East. |