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Show ilflamcjsfes Gardner, Mrs. Ruth Cobbley, and Mrs. Glen Bezzant and in the dining din-ing room Mrs. Lucille Hillman, Mrs. Ila Swenson, Mrs. Ella Jackson, Jack-son, Mrs. Leah Stewart, Mrs. Forrest For-rest Loader and Miss Nila Rae Cordner. The beautiful wedding .cake was cut and served to relatives and close friends at the conclusion of the reception. The newlyweds are honeymooning honeymoon-ing in Denver Colorado and will make their home in Ogden upon their return. Accompanying the bridal pair through the temple were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harrop -of OgdYV, Rir,hop and Mrs. William J. Cujlimore of Garland and the parents of the bride and groom. I ! 1 Cl'LLIMOKE - WHEELWRIGHT In a double ring ceremony performed per-formed in the Logan LDS Temple Wednesday, October 15, by President Pres-ident EIRay Christiansen, Miss Geniel Cullimore became the bride of Worth P. Wheelwright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum B. Wheelwright. Wheel-wright. Following the nuptials, the two were honored at sa wedding breakfast at the Bluebird Cafe, where the bride wore a suit of sparkling burgundy with accessories accessor-ies of the same color and a corsage of white carnations and pink roses. The evening before they were honored by the bridegroom's parents par-ents at dinner in the Mansion House in Ogden. Thursday evening the First ward Recreation Hall, beautiful with white chrysanthemums chrysanthe-mums and candlelight, formed the romantic background for the wedding wed-ding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Worth P. Wheelwright. The diminutive brunet bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vern C. Cullimore, wore a gown of heavy white satin en train, complemented by a finger-tip veil of french illusion illus-ion falling from a crown of seed pearls and crystal beads. Her bouquet bou-quet was of white bouvardia encircling en-circling a white orchid. Her attendants were, Mrs. Ray Harrop, matron of honor, Miss Raquel Adamson, maid of honor, and bridesmaids, Mrs. Mary Louise Bezzant, Miss Darlene Ercanbrack and Miss Gwen Jacobs. They wore beautiful pastel formals and each held a bouquet of pink carnations fashioned with white net and a shower of white ribbon. The mothers moth-ers wore blue dinner dresses with corsages of gardenias and talisman roses. Mr. Wheelwright asked Frank Stevens of Montpelier, Idaho to ast as best man and named Roland Wheelwright, Kenneth Paul Adam-son Adam-son and Ray Harrop as ushers. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Cullimore, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Lyean Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Adamson formed the reception committee. Howard Paxman's orchestra furnished fur-nished the music for the dancing and the following lovely program was announced by Calvin Swenson, who very ably performed the duties of master of ceremonies. An organ solo by Faye Wheelwright Peterson Peter-son of Ogden, a clarinet solo by L. Jean Olsen, accompanied by Robert West, toast to the groom, by Tommy Wheelwright, response by the groom, song, "Dream Girl of Delta Phi" by the Delta Phi quartet quar-tet accompanied by Crawford Gates; flute duet, "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" by Miss Raquel Adamson and Jewel Chipman, accompanied ac-companied by Mary Humphries; song, "Always" by a girls sextet, comprised of Raquel Adamson, Diane Thome, Doris Wadley, Marilyn Mar-ilyn King, Elaine Olpin and Nad-ine Nad-ine Johnson, accompanied by Beverly Bev-erly Wright. Toast to the bride by Donna O. Ash, two Xylophone duct numbers, "The World is Waiting for the Sunrise." and "I love you Truly" by Anna Fugal Bailey and Jean Fugal, and two vocal solos, "O rromi.se Me" and "Until" by Lr.ile Bailey accompanied by his i wife. Assisting in the gift room were Mary Lou Matthews, Mrs. Kate I WEDDING RECEPTION HONORS MR. AND MRS. MAX HARPER Mf. and Mrs. Theron Whitely of Orem honored their daughter, Dora June and Max E. Harper at a very nicely arranged wedding reception re-ception in the Pleasant Grove First ward recreation hall on Wednesday Wednes-day evening, October 15. The bride and groom, their parents, par-ents, and attendants, received relatives rel-atives and friends before a bank of gorgeous autumn flowers through which candles gleamed brightly. The lineup included the bride and groom, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Whitely and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Harper; maid of honor, Miss Donna Whitely, and bridesmaids, brides-maids, Miss Carma Whitely and Miss Melba Godfredson; and attending at-tending matrons, Mrs. Orvil Anderson An-derson and Mrs. Harold Baird, with Boyd Harper performing the duties of best man for his brother. The bride was beautifully gowned gown-ed in white lace over satin. Her finger tip lace trimmed veil fell from a crown of net and orange blossoms. She carried a bouquet of gardenias and pink roses. Her attendants wore gracious pink carnations car-nations tied with white satin. Mrs. Whitely and Mrs. Harper pinned gardenias and rosebuds on their shoulders. The pretty little flower girls who strewed rose pet-) als were Carol Harper and Alta May Whitely, while Jean Harper and Jerry Nelson were trainbear-ers.. trainbear-ers.. Orvil Anderson, Charles Harper Har-per and Harold Baird acted as ushers. Following the breakup of the receiving line and following the bridal march, Dover Hunt, piaster of ceremonies introduced the program pro-gram numbers, including two vocal duets, Orvil Anderson and Harold Baird, a reading by Mrs. Lowell Varley, a vocal duet .Nadine and Wilma Hales, accompanied by their mother, Mrs. Norma Hales; Toast to the newlyweds. Mrs. Marie Yorth, vocal solo, Howard Anderson, Ander-son, accompanied by Mrs. Eldon Swenson. Dancing completed the evening's festivities. The gift display was arranged by Mrs. Orin Smith. Mrs. Charles Harper and LaRae Whitely, assisted assist-ed by Shirlin Whitely and Darrell Harper. Receiving gifts at the door were Calvin Whitely and Gary God-f God-f f redson. In the serving room the table was covered with a lovely lace cloth, centered with a bowl of late summer flowers, flanked by lighted candles. Here tasty refreshments refresh-ments were served by Mrs. Diane Steele, Leora Whitely, Marie Whitely Mary Lou and LaRae Whitely. Mrs. C. R. Anderson of American Fork supervised the very artistic decorations throughout the hall. The very popular young couple were married in a double-ring ceremony cer-emony in the Salt Lake City LDS temple on Tuesday, October 14. Accompanying Ac-companying them and witnessing the ceremony were their parents, and the brides aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Godfredson of Salt Lake City. They will make their home in Pleasant Grove. |