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Show Carlson-Pender Marriage Is Solemnized Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Carlson anounce the marriage of Mr. Carlson's Carl-son's daughter, June and Kenneth L. Pender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pender of West Jordan. In the presence of relatives and a few close friends the marriage was solemnized at the First Ward Recreation Rec-reation Hall with Bishop Neil Y. Fugal officiating. Nuptial vows were spoken before a background of summer flowers. In the lineup were bride and groom, their parents, the bride's sister, Mrs. Ralph Gillespie, matron of honor and Miss Barbara Pender, maid of honor; bridesmaids, Miss Betty Herman, Miss Lapreal Neilson, Neil-son, Miss Jewel Warburton, Miss Dixie West and Miss Anna Jane Nelson. Peter Huish performed the duties of best man. The little flower girls were Judy and Marilyn Carlson. Ushers were LaVar Carlson and Osborn Pen ?r FpJ.i.-4 .jddiiig the bride chose ' w' ce satin and lace entrain with fifeertip net veil. She carried a bridal bouquet of red roses and bu'ton chrysanthemums. Mrs. Gillespie chose a blue for-' mal and the attractive bridesmaids ; all wore lovely pastel shades. Al'. carried red roses and salmon color: ed gladioli. The pretty little flower girls wore pink frocks and carried nosegays. The mothers of the bridal brid-al couple wore dark gowns on which they pinned gardenias and roses. Following the bridal waltz, Neils Fugal, master of ceremonies cleverly clev-erly introduced the program numbers: num-bers: 2 vocal solos, "One Alone" and "My Wonderful One" sung by Miss Alene Rasmussen; a humorous hum-orous reading, by Virginia Dent; a piano solo, "Because" by Donna Randall; two vocal solos "Always" and "Sweethearts" by Virginia Dent. Mrs. S. W. Hilton toasted the bride and Miss Dona Ball Sharp toasted the groom. Dancing and refreshments and viewing the lovely gift display completed the evening's activities. Caring for and arranging the gifts were Mrs. Clarence Dell, Mrs. LaVar Carlson and Mrs. Ray Carlson. Young folks who received gifts at the door were Donna Rae Carlson, Verlain Gillespie and James Ongley. In charge of refreshments were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shelley and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Colledge; while serving ser-ving was done by the following young ladies, clad in formals and wearing pink and white corsages : Leone Carlson, LaRane Carlson, and May Gillespie. The newlyweds left after the wedding for Salt Lake City, where they are making their home.. |