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Show HICKS-CANNON MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Hicks of this city announce the marriage of their daughter Phyllis and Woodward Wood-ward D. Cannon son of Mr. and Mrs. George Q. Cannon of Salt Lake City The young couple exchanged vows on February 9th at 2 o'clock in the Gold room of Hotel Utah in the prc.ence o'f close relatives and friends, with Bishop Neils Hanson officiating. The bride was lovely in a gray traveling ensemble with black accessories, ac-cessories, accented by a white orchid. orc-hid. She was attended by her sister. Miss Pearl Hicks, who was attired in a gold colored suit with a corsage of yellow- rases and baby iiliies. George Ford, close friend of the groom rri-yM vl t Othey witnessing the ceremony were parents of the bride, parents of the groom, Robert Hicks and Mrs. George Ford.' From 3 o'colck til 6 p. m, the bridal party held open house, where they received friends and where the wedding cake was cut and refreshments served. The bride is a graduate o'f the Pleasant Grove High School, a former for-mer student of the B. Y. U. and for almost three years has been engaged in newspaper work: two years with thg S'alt Lake Tribune, and later with the Descret News It is a noteworhty fact that she chose the 23rd wedding anniversary of her parents as her marriage day. The groom, a former member of I the U. S. Martime service, is now assistant city editor of the Deseret News. The rewly weds left Saturday morning for a two weeks honeymoon honey-moon trip to San Francisco, after which they will be at home at the Bunfolow Apts. 15 East, 3rd So.. Salt Lake Citv. j |