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Show ELEGANT RECEPTION HONORS SERVICE MAN AND BRIDE Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Green and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gillman entertained enter-tained more than 350 guests on Thursday evening, January 3rd, at an elegantly arranged wedding wedd-ing reception honoring Harley M. and Mary J. Green Gillman, who were married on Christmas eve. The affair was held in the PI. Grove First ward recreation hall, which was attractively decorated for the gala occasion. The bridal party stood at the South West corner of the hall a-gainst a-gainst a background of ferns and palms and small weddings, with lighted candles casting a soft warm glow over all. Mr. and Mrs. Green and Mr. and Mrs. Gillman assisted by Mrs. Howard Fergusen, received ithe guests at the door, while ushers Raymond Gillman, David A. Green, Howard Fergusen and Holly Myers conducted them to the bride and groom, Mrs. Holly Myers, sMer of the bride as matron o'f honor, Miss Myrtle V. Green brides maid and Mrs. Lloyd Boren as attending matron. Garth Walker stood as best man. Little Bonny Kay Green, niece o'f the bride was flower girl. The younthful bride was charming char-ming in white satin and a trail-ng trail-ng veil of silk net and lace trimmed trim-med with pearls. She carried a bridal boquet of red roses tied with long white "satin streamers accented with red rose buds. Mrs. Myers wore a gown of flowered tafetta on whioh she pinned pin-ned a corsage of pink sweet peas; Miss Green was dressed in yellow yel-low silk and net, with black se-qums; se-qums; Mrs. Boren chose a .gown of blue net with black applique. Both wore corsages of sweet peas. Little Bonnie Kay, was clad in a charming frock of white organdy, organ-dy, trimmed with pink velvet, and carried a basket of sweet peas. The .groom . and best man wore dark suits and tooutonieres1 lof wmte carnation. Mrs. Green and Mrs. Gillman wore dark gtowns with lorahid sweet peas; Mrs. David Green who arranged the wedding march wore a black and blue gown with corsage of yellow rose buds and sweet peas, wile Mrs. Fergusen chose white chiffon itrimmed in gold; her corsage was of sweet peas. J. W. Gillman, uncle of the groom, was master of ceremonies ceremon-ies and conducted the following program: J O Promise Me, sung by a girls chorus from the Pleasant Grove High School directed and accompanied accom-panied by Irwin Jensen; Vocal solo, I Love You Truly, by Warren Kirk, aocompanied by Miss Bmme-line Bmme-line Kirk; vocal number by a Male Quartette Earl A.' Beck, R. W. Brimhall, Irwin Jensen and Waren Kirk; a vocal trio, Wilma and Nedean Hales and Barbara i jarman, accompanied toy Mrs. Norma Hales. A toast to bride and groom by Mrs. Lyean Johnson. Dancing, refreshments and viewing view-ing the gifts completed the evening's even-ing's entertainement. The gift display was presided over by Mrs. J. L. Thorne assisted toy Mrs. .Paul Adamson and Miss Edna Gillman. Three little ladies, Lorna .Lowder, Colleen Fergusen and Gayle Thorne received the gifts at the door. Mrs. Diane Harper was in charge char-ge of refreshments and was assisted assis-ted by, Mrs. Arnel Green, Mrs. Kenneth Gillman, and Mrs. Norma Hales. Misses Kathleen Green, Georgia Bullock, Melba Gardiner, Janet Warnick, Lynell Johnson, Lois Bezzant, and Lucile Mills, all clad in pastel formals served the guests in the relief socety room, where the table was centered with a large Boston fern, flanked by pink bogonies. |