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Show POPULAR YOUNG COUPLE HONORED AT WEDDING RECEPTION Complete as to detail, and marked with simplicity was the weddng reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Baxter Monday evening, honoring their daughter Jean and Lee McMillen, son o'f Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMillen, who were married January 2. In the receiving line were the ibride and. groom their parents, Mrs. Leland Baxter matron of honor, hon-or, Mrs. Bill . Harris, attending matron and Miss Beth Baxter and Miss Ruth Brown bridesmaids. William Harris as best man. The bride was charmingly attired at-tired in a gown of white satin and lace with a fingertip veil held in place by seed pearls. She carried a bridal bouquet of pink roses and gardenias. The matron of honor chose ,blue, while Mrs Hariris chose) pink. Miiss Baxter was clad in blue and Miss Brown in pink, all at tedanls carried bouquets of carnations car-nations and sweet peas. I The mothers of the bride and ! groom both wore cerise gowns ac-j ac-j cented with corsages of gardenias. I The groom and best man, as ; well as the fathers wore dark suits. C W. Wilberg was master of ceremonies and conducted this well arranged program: A vocal solo, Because sung by Mrs. E. Ray Brown, accompanied by Mrs. W. Neves; a reading by Mrs. Victor Bronson; a vocal solo O Promise Me, by Miss Lucile Olson. A toast to the bride and igroom was offered by Milton Kirk, and in conclusion a piano solo was rendered by Mrs. Mary Neves. Dancing and tasty refreshments completed the evening's festivities. Refreshments were served In the spacious hallway where the table held a georgeous centerpiece of pink roses flanked by lighted candles, were presided over by Mrs Lerve Beck and Mrs. John Baxter. Young ladies attired in formals who served were Misses Carol McMillen, Nadine Baxter; Geniel Nelson and Geraldine Thorne. Gifts were displayed in the Relief Re-lief Society room in charge of Mrs. LeVerl Gray and Mrs. Theron Kirk. They were assisted by Mrs, Riker Johnson and Mrs. Ernest Sweat. Young Kenneth McMillen Mc-Millen and Arvin .Baxter received receiv-ed the gifts and carried them to the display room. The popular young couple exchanged ex-changed nuptial vows on Jan. 2 in the Logan L.D.S. Temple, with President Elray Christiansen 'of-officiating. 'of-officiating. Accompanying them young couple and witnessing the ceremony were the brides parents, and her brothers wife Mrs. Leland Baxter. Following the temple ceremony the party enjoyed dinner din-ner at the Bluebird Cafe in Lo'gan. After a short honeymon here : the young benedict will leave Sun-. Sun-. day for San Pedro, California, to resume his duties with the U. S. Maritime service. |