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Show Coming Marriage Is Made Known Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Walker announce the engagement and coming com-ing marriage of their daughter, Thelma, to . Ira Christensen of Vaughn, Montana. The marriage will take place June 12 in the Cardston L. D. S. temple. The bride and her parents will leave Sunday morning for Vaughn, and will proceed from there to Cardston, Canada. After the ceremony, the young couple will return to the Campbell Dam, near Great Falls, where Mr. Christensen is employed. Miss Walker is a graduate of the Pleasant Grove high school and the local seminary. She graduated from the B. Y. U. with a normal diploma, and has taught school in Grand-view, Grand-view, Vineyard, and Alpine. Mr. Christensen has filled a mission to Denmark. In honor of the bride several lovely love-ly parties have been given by friends and relatives. Saturday evening Mrs. Viola Morton, and Mrs. Vola Hancock entertained at a bridal shower at the home of the bride's parents. Decorations of orange blossoms and pink and red roses were used. Dainty refreshments were served to twenty-seven relatives rela-tives and friends. Monday evening Mrs. Fem Radmall Rad-mall Neilson and Mrs. LaRena Cutler Cut-ler entertained for friends of the bride at a miscellaneous shower at the home of the bride's parents. A color scheme of pink and white was carried out in delicious refreshments and in the sweet peas and roses that decorated the tables. Many, lovely-gifts lovely-gifts were received by Miss Walker. o |