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Show Mother and Sisters Entertain For Recent Bride Mrs. Joseph Mills and her daughters entertained at a beautifully beau-tifully arranged tho informal party Monday evening at tho First ward Recreation Hall, honoring hon-oring their daughter and sister, Mrs. Clifton J. Wadley, nee Mary. Mills. Baskets of autumn leaves and fall flowers were used to decorate decor-ate the hall. Mrs. Donna O. Ash was lit charge of festivities and cleverly introduced program numbers as follows. Prayer by Mrs. Jeanetto Warnick, (wo vocal solos, O No, John and Beautiful Lady by Warren Kirk accompanied by Mrs. Kirk; A reading by Anna Boron Adamson; a humorous rending by Beverly Swenson, piano pi-ano solo, Joan Whitehead; two niano ducts, Betty and Man-gene. Page. Toast to the bride 1iy Belli W. Stotl. with musical background by Kalhei-ine and Jewel Olpln. After a short response by the bride the lime was spent In Informal In-formal chat and enjoying refreshments re-freshments and viewing the lovely love-ly gifts wilh which the largo group of relatives and firlends showered the bride. Presiding over the gift display worn Mrs. Emily Ray, Mrs. Lily Mills, Mrs. Ruth Paul and Mrs. Mayblelle Mills. Little ladies who received the gifts were Karen RelllHton, Donna Wadley and Irene Chip-man. Chip-man. In the refreshment room worn Mrs. Grace Chipman, Mrs. Fern Edwards, Mrs. Leah Robinson and Mrs. Verla Wadley. Young ladles who seTved were Martha Ann and Lucille Mills. B"tty and . Joan Whitehead, Ellen pr.uly and Lois Bezzant. |