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Show Announce Marriage Of Daughter And Armv Lieutenant Mr. and Mrs. Burt Lindstrom of this city announce the marriage of their daugnter Kathryn and Second Lieutenant Russell L. Nye of Pennsylvania. ' The young couple exchanged vows Wednesday evening January 24, at the homeof the brides parents, with Bishop Lionel J. Larson of Lehi Fourth Ward officiating. Following the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served after which good wishes were extended . and gifts presented to the young couple. Relatives and close friends who witnessed the ceremony and enjoyed the luncheon Included: the bride's parents, her grandmothers, Mrs. Ida Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morgan, Mor-gan, Paul, Charles and Ida May Lindstrom all of Pleasant Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tolich, Mr. and Mrs Bish Thomas, Mr. and! Mrs. A. H. Richards, and Mrs. Eval-yn Eval-yn Ledwick all of Salt Lake City After a brief honeymoon the newly new-ly weds will return to Lieutenant Nye's station |