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Show l'AUKNTS ENTERTAIN i AT 1IIULLIANT I WEDDING KKCKITION Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. V. Swenson entertained Monday evening at a wedding reception in honor of their daughter Leah Jeanne and Cadet Paul Christofferson, who were married at noon in the Salt I.ake L. D. S. Temple, with President Presi-dent Steven L. Chipman, officiating. offici-ating. In the spacious receiving rooms pink and white carnations and lavender sweet peas, all in whit? vaces were everywhere in evidence, evi-dence, making a fitt'mg nnd artistic art-istic background for the bridal party. ' In the receiving line were the bride nnd groom, their parents, the bride's attendants, Mrs. George Geo-rge Gourley, matron of Honor, nnd Mis F.rmn Christof f-rson, brides maid, and the brides niece Little Shirley Swenson flower girl, and Mr. Richard Swenson best man. The bride was lovely in a gown of white net over satin, with low round neck fitted bodice and full skirt. Her fingertip viel and gown were trimmed with white ostrich feather rosettes. She carried a bridal bouquet of pink and white sweet peas with orchid satin bow streamers. Mrs. Gourlev wore blue dotted organdie with a corsaee of white sweet peas. Miss Christofferson chose a white gown nnd corsage of yellow sweet pens. The little flower girl was dainty in blue nnd pink dimity over pink and carried a bouquet of lavender (Continued on page 8) j WFPDING jj (Continued from page one) swcelpcas. Mrs. Christufferson chose blai'rc. IJolh wore corsages ol' sweet peas. Cadet Chrhstoffersim wore the uniform of his country, while the oilier men of Lhe hridal party I wore dark suits. The serving table in the dining room was covered with a lace cloth and displayed a large centerpiece cen-terpiece of Talisman roses, blue sweet peas and yellow accacia in a silver flower howl, which was flanked by lighted tapers in silver sil-ver holders. Here Mrs. Calvin Swenson and Mrs. Loyle Bailey poured green mint punch from a Silver pitcher. Miss Effie Warnick was in charge of refreshments and was assisted by girl friends of the bride, including Miss Beverly Luke of Burley, Idaho, Miss Ver-ent Ver-ent Stott of Salt Lake City; Miss Louise Walker, Miss Edith Stark, Mis Beverly West, Miss Lvle Atwood and Miss Irene War-nick. War-nick. Mrs. Ruth Warnick, Mrs. Ruth Wilcox 'and Mrs. Lurena Warnick presided over the wonderful gift disnlay. Calvin Swenson, brother of the bride was in charge of the musical musi-cal program, which included piano solos bv Miss iouise Walker, Mrs Effie Marv Adams, Miss Lvle Atwood. Mrs. Anna Fugal Bailev and Earl Olson, the latter of Salt Lake City. Vocal solos were rendered by Miss Pocrmr Le Whiting of Pro-vo. Pro-vo. and Mrs. Erma Christoffer-son Christoffer-son of Lehi. Thp newlvwpds left W-dneodav pvprtinn- for Pullman. Whinc-ton. Whinc-ton. t-v,otp thav will h pt home nnH whprp Cadet Christoffrrson will nnntinop bis studies in vpter-inpfinri vpter-inpfinri medirino. |