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Show y Young People Married In Salt Lake Temple President ar x Mrs. Wilford War-I War-I nick ente ' med Friday evening, May SB.-at a wedding reception in j honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Wc.-:t who were married Wednesday the Salt Lake LDS temple. The affair was held in the Manila wf-rd recreation hall, which' was brilliantly lighted and artistically decorated with baskets of gorgeous spring flowers. in the receiving line were President Presi-dent and Mrs. Warniek, Bishop and Mrs. J. A. West and the bride and groom. . The bride was beautiful in a gown of pink crepe and was unat-tende-J.. Mr. Men-ill ' N. Warniek, uncle of the : bride - was master of ccre-!r.oaies ccre-!r.oaies and conducted the follow-i follow-i hp. program: Vocal solo. Miss Helen Olpin, ac-! ac-! Con panied by Irwin Jensen; a violin vio-lin solo by Miss June West, ac-eoinpaiH.;.:! ac-eoinpaiH.;.:! by Mr. Jensen; "Love Canif Celling Me," by a girls' chorus cho-rus including Miss Gloria. V..:d.i.y,' ' Mi.;;, Lyle Bt-th AU'Oo;!, Mrs. 'ic-Vr 'ic-Vr ;:'.okf'- .: )' vi.r- V en -. : Mon-vq'jsi Mon-vq'jsi oolo by Iai- -frok.es ac-i.rjtiii,liiu ac-i.rjtiii,liiu uy- Lirxjy rxih..L;' reading by George Paul and a musical mu-sical skit directed by Mrs. Donna Ash and enacted by Irwin Jensen and Mrs. Reva Fugal depicting in song and story the lives of Helen and William; and a vocal solo, "Because "Be-cause I Love You" by Mrs. Ora Chipman of American Fork. Dancing and tasty refreshments concluded the evening's entertainment, entertain-ment, which was enjoyed by more than 200 guests. Refreshments were in charge of Mrs. Arza Adams and Mrs. Roy Mecham, assisted by the girls of Mrs. West's 4-H club, while the wonderful gift display was presided over by Mrs. Areva Allen, assisted by a group of MIA girls. Mrs. West, daughter of President and Mrs. W. W. Warniek, is a graduate grad-uate of the local high school and LDS Seminary and a former student stu-dent of the BYU and of Hen-ager's Hen-ager's Business college in Salt Lake City. For the past two years she has been employed at the Agricultural Agri-cultural office at Provo. She has been very active in 4-H club work and in church circles, and for the past year has been first counselor in the Manila ward YLMIA. Mr. West also spent two years at the BYU where he was an honor student and was affiliated with the Brigadiers. The last two years he has served an LDS mission mis-sion in the New England states where he has been auxiliary superintendent super-intendent of the mission at Cambridge, Cam-bridge, Mass. The young couple were married on Wednesday, May 27 in the Salt Lake temple, by President S. L. Chipman. The ceremony was witnessed wit-nessed by the parents of both young people, and a large number of other relatives and friends. Carrying wit hthem good wishes of hosts of friends, Mr. and Mrs. West left Saturday for Boston where they will make their home, and where Mr. West will enter the Boston Institute of Technology. |