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Show LARSON-GILLMAN MARRIAGE TAKES PLACE AT BRIDES HOME IN S. L. Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Larson of Salt Lake City announces the marriage of their daughter Anna Beth and Wendel W. Gillman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gillman of Orem. The double ring ceremony took place at the brides home, 1804 Michigan Avenue on January 12, at 6 p. m. with the bride's uncle Leonard E. Adams officiating, in the presence of the families and close friends of the young couple. From 8 until 11 p. m. a reception recept-ion honoring the newlyweds was held at the Lion House, with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Adams as host and hostess. The bridal party received friends in the brides room, before a background back-ground of white chrysanthemums and palms under the warm glow of candle light. Receiving were the bride and groom, the parents of tooth, matron mat-ron of honor Mrs. Richard Rogers Rog-ers of American ForK, and brides maids Misses Kathryn and Leah Jean Larson, sisters of the bride and. Miss Mary Lou Todd; Glade Gillman stood as best man for his brother. The bride was charming in a trailing gown of white satin, and full length net veil, an Heirloom in her family. It fell from a cor-onetof cor-onetof apple blossoms. She carried car-ried a bridal bouquet of white sweet peas, pink ivory roses and orchids. The well prepared program included in-cluded two vocal solos by Max Skinnner. two viloin solos by Mar-iyn Mar-iyn Felt; and Xylophone music throughout the evening by Mrs. Gardner. In the dining room th serving table was covered wain a lace cloth and held a lovely centerpiece of white snapdragons and pink carnations. Here Mrs. Frank Walker and Mrs. Glen Chilton presided. Stanley Larson, Norman Gillman Gill-man and Glade Walker served as ushers. Two hundred and fifty guests enjoyed the evening's festivities. The newlyweds are making their home in Provo. |