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Show HERMAN McCANDLESS BRIDE HONORED AT WEDDING RECEPTION Informality and easy hospitality hospital-ity marked the wedding reception given Wednesday evening in the First ward recreation hall honoring hon-oring Herman E. and LaNeve Smith McCandless, newlyweds. The bride and groom with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rud-gar Rud-gar Smith and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McCandless, received relatives an friends at the south end of the boll which was gayly decorated with pastel streamers. Others in the lineup attending the bride were Lela Davis, Donna Oakey, Dolly McCandless, Anne Crabb and Betty Jeffs. Nyle Green stood as best man. The bride and her attendants all wore chic afternoon dresses, accented with corsages of gardenias gard-enias and roses. W. D. Chapman, as master of ceremonies, conducted conduc-ted the very enjoyable program, which included two vocal numbers, num-bers, Just You Wait and See, and O Promise Me by a ladies trio, Beth Green, Beth Cook and Donna Gardiner; a reading by Nancy Armstrong; a piano solo ty Betty Lou Page; a reading by Lou Winberg, two vocal solos by Lela Green accompanied by Al-ene Al-ene Rasmussen. Clever toasts to the bride and groom were given by Rose Rad-mall Rad-mall and Russell Green, respectively. respect-ively. Dancing completed the evenings ev-enings festivities. The lovely gift display was in charge of Mrs. Maude Green and Mrs. Ella Smith. Young folks receiving re-ceiving the gifte were Pauline and Glen McCandless, Janice Smith and Shirley Green. Tasty refreshments were enjoyed In the relief society hall, where Pauline McCandls, La-Rue McCandless and Janice Smith served. |