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Show PAKE.NTS ANNOUNCE THE MARRIAGE OF POPULAR COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. J. Clifton Beck-strand Beck-strand of Meadow, Utah, announce announ-ce the marriage of their daughter daugh-ter Nelda and Alexander Wadley, son of Mrs. Jessie R. Wadley of Pleasant Grove. The marriage was solemnized on January 5, in the Salt Lake Temple, with President S. L. Chipman officiating. The bride is a graduate of the Millard High School and Hen-egar's Hen-egar's Business College, and has been employed by the U. S. Dept. of Agricultural with the Farm Security Administration. The groom is a graduate of the Pleasant Grove High School and attended the Brigham Young University for three years, and has been employed by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation. He has been very active in church affairs being at the the present time Ward clerk in the Manila Ward. The young couple will make their home here. Prior to and since her marriage mar-riage Mrs. Wadley received much social attention. Her mother Mrs. J. Clifton Beckstrand entertained entertain-ed at an informal party for her dughter at her home in Meadow. Mrs. Melvin O. Cox and Mrs. Orrin Beckstand of Salt Lake Citv entertained in her honor at a prenuptial shower at the Cox home. On Thursday of last week Mrs. W. B. Crandall entertained a nuumber of friends in compliment compli-ment to Mrs. Wadley, at her home in Springville. Following the whirl of activity the hridegroms mother Mrs. -Tes-sip- Wadlev entertained at an informal in-formal dancing nartv in the Manila Man-ila ward recreation hall on Wrd-nesrlav Wrd-nesrlav eve-nine. The lontr table rod couples enioved the nleasant nffnir. lppvirt"- o-nnd wishes ns m-pII cis b""Hitifol and useful fifts for the hannv newlvwed. |