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Show MARRIAGE OF EDRA ALLRED AND JESS G. PETERSON IS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. George Allred of Spring City have announced the marriage of their daughter Edra and Jess G. Peterson, son of Mrs. Martha and the late Martin Peterson Pet-erson of this city. The marriage took ' place at noon Saturday, February 2 with Chief Justice Martin M. Larson, an uncle of the groom, officiat ing, at the Larson home on Laird Avenue in Salt Lake City'. The bride was attired in a smart honey-beige wool suit on which she pinned a gardenia nestled nest-led in Talisman roses. She was attended by her sister Mrs. Wil'ford Bauer who chose a suit of gray with yellow accessories, accessor-ies, j Dan W. Peterson performed the duties of best man for his brother. broth-er. Close relatives present were the bride's parents, the groom's mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Dan W. Peterson, Justice and Mrs. Larson, Lar-son, and Mrs. Avery Masters and son David. Following the ceremony the bridal party enoyed dinner at Lambs Grill. After a week's honeymoon in Salt Lake City and Spring City, the newly weds will be at home in the Carl Smith apartments on Second West. Mrs. Peterson will resume her duties at the Central School and her benedict will return re-turn to his work at the Pleasant Grove Canning Co. Both young people are graduates gradu-ates of the Brigham Young Uni-I Uni-I versity. |