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Show RECENT BRIDE HONORED WEDNESDAY EVENING BY CLUB MEMBERS Mrs. Beih F. McNess, a recent bride was honored at her home on Wdnesday evening by the ladies . ' of the Modernette Club, of which she is a member ' ,': Miscellaneous tablganies .weri enjoyed by the young mbns after whlch tasty refreshments were served ser-ved ,and Mrs. McNess showered with lovely gifts. -j Committee m charge were Mrs 'Harris Chipman and Mrs. Fern Mafield. Other -members present besides the honored bride, were Mrs. Keith Jacobs, Mrs. Merlin Wadley, Mrs, Mildred Terre, Mrs Joe Chorneak. Mrs. Glen Nj&Wi Mrs. Ppbbley, Mrs. "Ray Beet., Mrs. . Ra Feriton, and Mrs, Do-'' Walker. ' I |