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Show Popular Couple United In Marriage In a beautiful candlelight ceremony, cere-mony, Miss Colleen Rae Matthews daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Matthews, became the bride of Howard J. Humphries, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Humphries of American Fork, Saturday evening. The double ring ceremony took place in the First Ward Relief Society So-ciety Hall, at 8 o'clock with Bishop Olin H. Ririe of American Fork Second Ward officiating. The bridal couple stood before a background of palms, ferns, large baskets of pink and white carnations carn-ations over which the candlebra cast a warm glow and soft organ music was played by Mrs. Elwood Sundberg. Only the immediate families and close friends were present. The lovely bride was given in marriage by her father and was attended by Miss Lois Frampton, maid of honor; bridesmaids, Miss Jean Roberts, Miss Katherine Ol-pin, Ol-pin, Miss Margaret Adams, Miss Diane Thome and Mrs. Johnny Barton and Mrs. Roy Nielson, attending at-tending matrons. Dean Powell, cousin of the groom, performed the duties of best man and little Ann Matthews, sister of the bride and Colleen Cook, niece of the groom, were flower girls. The bride was charmingly beautiful beaut-iful in- a trailing white satin gown cut with fitted bodice and high neckline. Her fingertip veil of brides illusion was caught to a tiara of seed pearls. She carried a boquet of white stephonitos encircling encir-cling orchids. The maid of honor wore pink brocaded organdy, Mrs. Barton wore blue lace and net, Mrs. Nielson Niel-son peach lace and net, Miss Roberts Rob-erts blue taffeta, Miss Olpin yellow, yel-low, Miss Adams chose aqua blue taffeta and Miss Thorne chose a ruffled lavender and net gown. All carrieid heart shaped boquets of roses and sweetpeas tied with ribbons rib-bons of tulle. The petite flower girls were clad in frocks of pink net and carried nosegays of roses and sweetpeas. Mrs. Matthews wore black net, on which she pinned gardenias. Mrs. Humphries chose black crepe and roses and gardenias. Following the ceremony a recep-j recep-j tion was held in the Recreation Hall which was artistically with palms, ferns & boquets of flowers, i Calvin Swenson, as master of ceremonies, cere-monies, conducted the well arranged arrang-ed program. Mr. and Mrs. Vern i Humphries and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marrott greeted guests at the door. Dancing and refreshments were enjoyed. The table in the dining room was covered with a quaker lace cloth and held a center piece of pink sweetheart roses, flanked by white tapers. Here Mrs. Golden Peay presided Mrs. Marion Adamson, and Mrs. Harold Cook received and arranged the unusual gift display. The newlyweds, after the festivities, fest-ivities, left for a short honeymoon trip through Southern Utah and Nevada.. The bride is a graduate of the local high school and a former student stu-dent at the BYU. Her benedict is a promising young business man of American Fork. He spent four years in the Armed Forces. |