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Show I Announce Marriage Of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Jeppson announce the marriage of their daughter Ruby Marie to Dale L. Newman son of Mr. and Mrs. jjohn Newman of this city. The marriage was performed by Bishop Bish-op Neil Fugal of the Pleasant Grove Third ward at the home of the bride's grandmother Mrs. Peter Jeppson, on Christmas eve. December 24. Immediate family members and a few close friends of the young couple were in attendance. ' Rereshments were served and a social evening enjoyed. The bride is a graduate of the Pleasant Grove high school and for the past six months has been employed as a telephone operator in Salt Lake City. The groom has spent 3 years serving Jiis country in the armed forces, two years o'f which he has served overseas in Africa and Italy and has received an honorable hon-orable discharge from the army recently. A shower was held Saturday, December 22 at the home of Mrs. John Newman in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Dale Newman. Many beautiful beau-tiful and useful gifts were received recei-ved by the young couple from friends and relatives from Provo, Orem, American Fork and Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove, A delicious lunch was served to those in attendance. |