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Show Beautiful Church Wedding Tendered Margaret Binns A beautiful and impressive wedding wed-ding of June was the marriage of Miss Margaret Ellen Binns, daughter daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Binns, and Rev. Harold LeSeur Wilson of Providence, Rhode Island, which was solemnized Saturday at the Presbyterian Community church. Mr. Wilson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Frank of Wooster, Ohio. Reverand James 'O. Arthur of Payson officiated at the marriage services. The church was beautifully decorated dec-orated with a profusion of flowers in pink and white. On the alter stood a large bowl of white Empress peonies between candlebras holding tall white tapers. Candlebrum holding hold-ing seven white tapers also decorated decor-ated the piano and the organ. The background of the chancel was made up of ferns and, tall baskets of pink and white peonies and pink tamar-:ix. tamar-:ix. Smaller baskets of peonies, in-: jterspersed with potted ferns, outlined out-lined the chancel and the windows ! held white bowls of roses, j Proceeding the entrance of the bridal party, Mr. Carter H. Cody of J Provo sang "At Dawning" and "Ah Sweet Mystery Of Life." He was accompanied by Miss Helen Devey. The bride, who was given in marriage mar-riage by her father, Isaac -Binns, was lovely in her wedding gown, a Carolyn model of white crepe in Grecian lines, with a dainty basque jacket and a tiny train. She wore a finger-tip veil of tulle held by slender bands of orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouauet of Biiarcliff roses and Easter liliest The bridesmaids wore dainty models of pink silk organdy and carried bouquets of Brunner roses and butterfly but-terfly sweet peas. They were Miss Lois Binns, sister of the bride, maid of honor; Miss Amelia Meanker and Miss Margaret McPherson, bridesmaids. brides-maids. The flower girl, little Miss Marilyn Binns, sister of the bride, wore a Shirley Temple frock of hand embroidered blue organdy and carried a basket of pink roses. The bridal party entered the church as "The Wedding March" from Lohengrin was played on the organ by Miss Helen Devey and the violin by Miss Merma Grant. The bride was met at the alter by the bridegroom and his best man, John McPherson, and Reverand Arthur who performed the ceremony. , The ushers were Carroll Sager, Ellery Sager and Lloyd Duckworth. Immediately following, a beautifully beauti-fully arranged informal reception was given at the home of the bride's parents for a few close friends and members of the family. The living rooms were bowers of pink and white peonies and roses. The bridal party received in front of a large window amid baskets of peonies and feathery ferns. During the reception soft music was played by a string quartet consisting of Edith Clarke, cello; Merma Grant, Gwyndolyn Richan and Maxine Taylor, violins, and Helen Devey at the piano. Mrs. Binns, mother of the bride, received the guests at the door. Mrs. John McCune was In charge of the dining room. The serving table was covered with an Italian filet cloth, centered with a mound of white roses in a low pink crystal bowl and white princess tapers in crystal holders at both ends. Presiding Pre-siding were Mrs. Thomas Binns and Mrs. Ray S'ager. They were assisted by Miss Vivian Makin, Miss Nadine Adamson, Miss Zola Grant and Miss Meriam Homer. Pieces of wedding cake were given the guests by Miss Margaret McPherson, a bridesmaid. The gift room was presided over by Miss Winnie Estarack of Salt Lake City and Miss Amelia Meanker, Mean-ker, a bridesmaid of Kansas City, Kansas. The decorations of the church and home were under the direction of Mrs. Nellie Rankin, grandmother of the bride, assisted by Mrs. Gilbert Wootton, Mrs. Fred Schettler and Mrs. L. B. Adamson. - Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left Monday by automobile for Providence, where they will make their home. They will stop en route at Chicago to visit friends and at Wooster, Ohio, to visit with the groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Frank. |