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Show Weddings A most attractive wedding reception recep-tion was given Friday evening in tire Pleasant View ward amusement hall by Mr. and Mrs- Thomas Ash-ton Ash-ton in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Anton J. Gleason, who were married in the ! Salt Lake temple, Friday. Apostle Melvin J- Ballard performed the ceremony. Mrs. Gleason, formerly Miss Leah Ashton, is a popular school teacher and church worker. The bride was charmingly attired in white chiffon velvet, wore a bridal bri-dal veil and carried deep pink roses-The roses-The attendants were Mrs. Ruth Peterson Pe-terson Smith, Miss Jennie Gleason, Miss Ida Leichty, Miss Lenore Ashton, Ash-ton, and little Miss Nyra Cohrin, flower girl. Ervene Smith was best man. Mrs. Smith and Miss Ashton wore pink dresses, Miss Gleason dainty blue, and Miss Leichty was dressed in blue velvet- All attendants attend-ants carried dainty bouquets of The following program was carried car-ried out: Solo, "I Love You Truly" by Ruth Ashton. Toast to the bride, Harold Colvin; toast to the groom, Ervene Smith; piano selection, Miss Jennie Gleason, and a song by the tiny flower girl. Clarence Ashton was master of ceremonies. The refreshment table was attractive attrac-tive with lighted candles in Christmas Christ-mas colors. Mrs- Maries Bennett and Kathryn Gleason presided, as- sisted by the bride's school friends. Many beautiful gifts were presented present-ed to Mi", and Mrs. Gleason- Mr. and Mrs. Gleason left Sunday for Monticello to make their home. Mr- Gleason is educational instructor instruc-tor in the C- C. camp there. Mr. and Mrs- Lawo-ence West an-I an-I nounces the marriage of their daughter daugh-ter Mereda, to Edwin Danklef of Lehi which took place at Logan on Christmas day. The ceremony was performed by Bishop Stanley Gnf-fen Gnf-fen of the Newton ward-Mr ward-Mr and Mrs. Lawrence West and Mr and Mrs. Thomas King of this city, and Mrs. Luella Hatch and Miss Viola Hatch of Salt Lake City motored to Logan December 24th, to be present at the marriage, mey returned December 26th. Miss Nelda Davis, daughter of Mr-and Mr-and Mrs. Leroy Davis of Lehi, and George Larsen, son of Mr. and Mrs-George Mrs-George W- Larsen of this city, were married Monday, December 30th in the Salt Lake temple. A wedding reception was given the same evening at the Lehi Second ward amusement hall, honoring the voung couple. They will make their home m Pleasant Grove- |