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Show o ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. George F. Shelley announce the engagement and approaching ap-proaching marriage of their daughter, daugh-ter, Edna C. and Mr. Grant S. Stark, the marriage to take place June 26 in the Salt Lake temple. Miss Shelley is a graduate of the local high school and the B. Y. U. i She has been very active in the church organizations in the Third ward and the stake board of the Sunday School in the Alpine and ! Sheron stakes. For several years she 'has taught in the Home Economics department of the Lincoln high school. Mr. Stark is the son of Mrs. M. P. 'stark of Spanish Fork. He is a graduate of the Spanish Fork high I school and has attended school at ithe B. Y. U. He has aLso filled a I mission for the L. D. S. Church in the New Zeland mission. They will make their home in Spanish Fork. |