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Show o GIDDING-CLARK MARRIAGE The marriage of Miss Ruth Gid-dings, Gid-dings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Giddings of this city, and Jay W. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs-James Mrs-James Clark was solemnized in the Salt Lake temple last Friday. The young people were accompanied to the temple by Mrs. Giddings and Miss Edith Jacklin of this city and Mrs. Clark and daughter of Lehi- Both Mr., and Mrs. Clark are high school graduates and are now in attendance at the B- Y- U. Mrs. Clark is a Junior at that institution. institu-tion. Both will continue theix studies and are making their home in Provo- They have each taken a very active part in church and social affairs in their respective communities and have a host of friends who wish them a happy and prosperous future-To-night in Firmage Hall a wedding wed-ding reception is being given by the i bride's parents. Invitations have ! been issued to five hundred. I j-, |