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Show Golden Wedding Celebrated by Pres. And Mrs. Chipman I Upwards of seven hundred friends 1 and relatives who gathered at Firm-age Firm-age Hall Wednesday night to bestow be-stow their felicitations upon President Presi-dent and Mrs. Stephen L. Chipman celebrating their fiftieth or Golden Wedding anniversary- It would be impossible to estimate the many hundreds more whose thoughts turned to this worthy couple upon this occasion and who unable to be present. During the day and on into Thursday, many letters, telegrams tele-grams and tokens of esteem poured in, conveying the good will and best wishes of countless friends. Of all who were in attendance at the reception it is doubtful if any were more happy than President Chip-man Chip-man and his good wife, -who could not help but rejoice in the fact that they had every one of their six children with them there, be- sides so many friends and relatives-; During the forepart of the evening eve-ning as the guests assembled and congratulations were bestowed upon up-on the honored couple, instrumental instrumen-tal music was furnished by Misses Naomi Halliday and Ann Clayson- President Clifford E- Young acted as master of ceremony, and during the evening a program was given which included several beautiful vocal numbers, readings and sentiments senti-ments of respect and esteem. Apostle Richard R. Lyman of Salt Lake offered the invocation. The musical selections were "Because," sung by a double ladies trio, comprised com-prised of Mesdames C- E. Young, I W. R- Halliday, J- F- Noyes, Lillian C. Booth, West Hammond and Wil-lard Wil-lard Cleghorn, a vocal solo by Mrs.-Lottie Mrs.-Lottie Owen Sackett of Salt Lake City; two vocal duets, "God Bless Our Mountain Home," and "La-Golondrina," "La-Golondrina," favorites of their parents, par-ents, sung by their daughters, Mrs. Elva C. Olpin and Mrs- Fern Eyr-ing; Eyr-ing; a vocal solo by Mrs- Olpin, and a vocal solo by Mrs- C- E. Young. Sentiments from the family were given by a daughter, Mrs. Leah C. Van Wagoner, and Mrs- Helen C. Dixon of Provo gave a reading. An original tribute was given by Mrs. B. N- Christensen- Short speeches were made by President Heber J. Grant of Salt Lake City; President Franklin S. Harris of the Brigham Young University, and Mrs. William Will-iam Knight of Provo- Responses were made by President and Mrs-Chipman. Mrs-Chipman. A number of large baskets of beautiful, flowers conveying love and resect which had been presented to President and Mrs. Chipman dec- orated the hall-Following hall-Following the program, dancing was enjoyed, music being furnished by members of the Apollo orchestra. orches-tra. Refreshments were served downstairs with Miss Betha Storrs and Mrs. Harry Stewart in charge. For the first time in about fourteen four-teen years all the members of the family have been together in a reunion re-union and the anniversary has been made doubly happy. President and Mrs- Chipman have three daughters daugh-ters residing hi Provo, Mrs. Vergie Murdock, Mrs- Fern Eyring and Mrs- Leah Van Wagonen; a daughter, daugh-ter, Mrs. Lorena Fletcher of New York; a daughter, Mrs. Elva Olpin, residing hi North Carolina, and their only son, Howe, resides in Los Angeles. o |