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Show MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZED The marriage of Miss Beaulahl Memmott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I Reno Memmott of Provo, and Eli K. Clayson, son of Eli J. Clayson of this city, was solemnized Saturday morning in the Salt Lake City L, D. S. temple. Mrs. Memmott, Mrs.' Robbins of Scipio, Mr. and Mrs. Eli J. Clayson, Mrs. Lillian C. Booth, Mrs. A. G. Brockbank, Mrs. Lucy Tanner, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith of Provo, accompanied the' young couple. A wedding reception was given Saturday evening in the Provo First ward amusement hall, by the bride's parents. A program, dancing and refreshments were enjoyed. Leland Priday of this city acted as master of ceremonies. The bride is a former student of B. Y. U., and for some time has been a teacher in the Tooele schools. Mr. Clayson is a graduate of Brigham Young university, and filled a mission mis-sion to Germany. He is employed at the J. C. Penney company store at Provo. |