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Show u RYAN-BUSH MARRIAGE The marriage of Miss Lucile Ryan '-of Salt Lake, and Wendell Bush of I this city, took place Monday in the i Salt Lake temple. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank (Ryan, and Mr. Bush is the son of Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Bush, They have many friends here and in Salt I Lake who join in wishes for a hap- -py and properous future. The young couple will reside in American Fork. I In their honor a wedding reception recep-tion was given in Firmage HalL , Wednesday night at which two hun-jdred hun-jdred were present. A number of i relatives from Salt Lake and Bing-ham Bing-ham attended. A short program (was enjoyed together with dancing and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Bush were presented present-ed with a number of lovely gifts. o |