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Show jMsrrUgo Bracelet customs have been rv those who have studied llie Jungle tribes. At the ;JI03 National museum Is U. extraordinary nmrrlago freight hack from t tie re-;$.'S re-;$.'S by naval otlicors. ly nr,vri':ir those, a young In-" In-" ' j prove his wortlilness for ,y ( The wristlets look harm-a harm-a ' , but before the usplr-1 usplr-1 a ;riHni put them on, they vc. with stinging nnts of a ,U3 kind. rravely wenr-, wenr-, the suitor would dunce J '.end of the village to the T.tisins before each house. not tllneh In his grim : iv:s "approved," and pre-n pre-n tie n't the bride lived 1 1 ier altcr- Science Serv-b |