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Show IIiii-4ki llniril Inrrifi) Is Aiiiioiiik l Mr. mid Mm. Cllflnn II. Harper muinuiii'ii Km nuniliiK" of their diitichler Uiiiiii mid Harold llnlrd, mill nf Mr. and Mi'rt. lUi'hind llnlrd of lloylnirti, Idnho. Miii'i'liigo vow svvero oHi'luniKed by I ho ymiiiK eiiiiplo mi Weihienduy, .liinuiiry In I ho Mull l.nlto 1,1 )M lomplo wllh HHdor IIiiiIihi of Ihn leinplo pres-lileiit'V pres-lileiit'V of rlelal Iiik. I'reiienl, In wlhienn the eoromoiiy weio the mnl hern of both ymniK penplo mid Mr, and Mrn. Orvlllo A mleriiiu of Mall l.alio City mid Mr, mid Min. ('ItiiileM llnrper of 1'lennimt llt'iil'e. A we'ddliiK voceplliHi hnnni'liiK the Jiint wedn will he given Halur-ilii Halur-ilii V evenliiK In 'ho I'Mnil ward lii-i rent Inn Hull. They w ill milUe I holt' liKnno In Mult. I.nlto I'lty. |