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Show Couple Honored At Reception i A lovely wedding of last week was that which followed the marriage of Lena V. Lamb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Lamb of Provo, and j Joseph R. Adams, son of Mr. and I Mrs. J. R. Adams of Pleasant Grove. The reception was held in the ' Timpanogos ward chapel Friday evening, with approximately 300 guests in attendance. Heading the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Lamb, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adams. The bride was beautiful in a gown of ivory satin with fingertip veil. She carried a bouquet of roses and lilies. Attending her as maid of honor was her sister, Clor-ene Clor-ene Lamb, with Reva Adams, sister of the groom, Mrs. Duane Peterson, and Mrs. Max Cox as bridesmaids, each wearing a corsage of rose buds and sweet peas. Max Cox was best man. Duane Brown acted as master of ceremonies for the following program: pro-gram: reading by Myrtle Liston; accordian solo, Ruth Beck of Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove, accompanied by her uncle, Elton Sumner of Provo; vocal vo-cal solos by Harold Brereton and by Ivan Pyne of Provo, accompanied accompan-ied by Melba Pyne. Following the program dancing was enjoyed and refreshments served from a lace covered table centered with flowers. Many useful use-ful gifts were received. The young couple will make their home in Orem. |