Show TO ELI JL A RAISE STANDARD OF HOUSING new naw ordinances in force at duluth constitute an advance stop step of importance various cities in recent months have bava taken cognizance of tho the importance or of good housing conditions condl tlona one of tho the first to take constructive action by a comp complete letb revision of its housing kousi tig code following a searching investigation was duluth like every other city which hm has been careless with respect to tho the way its people live Dul duluth had boon been housing some of its population in dark interior rooms and dark damp daml basements baso ments it had room overcrowding and lot overcrowding and its toilet facilities were in many instances not conducive either cither to decency or to health tho the first result of these discoveries was tho the appointment by tho the common council a on the recommendation of tho the mayor of a housing committee this committee at once set beet about the task of at drafting an ordinance based upon model law A draft of at this ordinance was submitted to joithe tho national housing association for or comment it was made the subject of at several public hearings lit in duluth and finally passed by a vote veto of 9 to 6 hereafter in fa duluth both tenement houses and single family dwellings dwelling il must havo have enough open space on theli their lota late to light and ventilate every room rooms must be large enough tor for habitation and must have windows opening to the outer air the height of wooden tenement houses bouses will be limited and other safeguards provided against fire every new tenement house must have within each apartment a proper sink with running water and a wat water e r closet located either in a bathroom or in a separate compartment every dwelling house when water main and sewer are accessible must also have running water and a water closet within the house for existing houses bouses the regulations of course are not so strict as for now buildings but bui tor for them also the standards hive have been bean raised in the In interests teresta of decency bifid nd health |