Show in case of elephantiasis alex kenealy editor of the lon don dally daily mirror which is a dally daily plo ture paper learned the news newspaper trade in tho the united states one day lie needed a bit ot of advertising so he bought a couple of baby elephants jumbo and jimbo and set them par abing ading about at the summer resorts collecting funds for a charity tae mirror was supporting thereby getting many pennies and shillings foi the fund and quite incidentally ol of course a goo good d deal of advertising for the de paper bimba jimba was delicate and often sick kenealy was in paris a time ago and he received a frantic wire from one of his elephant Itee keepers pers jambo Is dead what shall I 1 do 2 kenealy telegraphed back afeei mature reflection I 1 advise you to bury jimbo saturday evening post |