Show KEY WAS UNDER DOOR MAT i important informs information llon for which con dalot of indianapolis car held the passengers Pasi engers tha rha south east 1 ast street car was huir hying on oil its way toward tho end of the line alno near the ton hundred block the single line branches bran chOB out into a switch the cars care slow up and tho the passengers generally goa orally known personally by tho the conductor often have leavo time to exchange pleasantries pleasant ries as tho the cars cara pass A german woman waa on oil the car coming downtown tho the other day As aa tho the car slid on tho the switch and started to pass the other she got up excitedly and waved toward tho the car headed for tho the ond end of talo alno oil oh charllot Charli at oil oh charlie CharI lol site she shouted at a youth on tho the other car evidently her son soil on lot his 1118 way homo charlie did not catch the signal bignal at first and tho the cars go gathered speed charlica Charli ct CharI lol came tho the voice this time moro more insistent then charlie charito looked around and saw tho other car going ott oft tho the switch with the woman still waving excitedly the motorman was aroused by this time ond and thinking that tho the summons summon was urgent stopped slopped the car all and charlie jumped oft and mado made a boo line for mother she met him at the door 1 I just wanted to say that tho the key Is under the mat at the tha back dohrl she sha yelled and charlie jumped off waved nt at hip conductor lind and caught his car amid the cheers of tho the other passengers in dlana diana polls news |