Show PREVENT HOG CHOLERA read fead animals should be carefully examined for disease if condition if indicating infection are recognized early and proper methods of isolation adopted i spread may de be averted i by F V M U HAYES all farmers should either postmortem every hog that dies under circumstances at all suspicious auspicious or have the work done by a competent 77 7 ell A i fe 71 ilk 14 ly IV 6 hog pon pen and wallow veterinarian who vba should bo able to recognize any lesions indicating tho the presence of an infectious disease in tho the herd hard those conditions it if recognized early find and proper methods of isolation instituted might prevent tho the general dissemination of tho the disease throughout tho the herd hard in caso case of hog cholera the leslona lesions will vary according to tho the course of the iho disease but the following are usually present slight blight inflammation of the bladder to la shown by redness of the lining spots on the kidneys varying in size elzo from the point to the load head of a pin tho the kidneys are often palo pale and light colored showing these black spots but may be dark and congested the kidneys m bwy y bo be thickly covered with these spots or possibly only a few of them may bo be seen by stripping oft off the envelope of the kidney the kidneys sometimes reso nible a turkey egg in ili appearance tho the spleen la Is usually eril enlarged arged congested black and triable friable inflammation of the intestines moro more especially the mucous cou a membrane of the the beginning of the largo In lestine I 1 often occurs this inflammation may bo diffuse or in the form of ulcers depending upon whether tho the acute or the chronic type of tho the disease exists tho the presence ot of button shaped ulcers f hog sick with cholera Ill illethe the large intestines la ili tho best bast andt cation of chronic cholera i the following gives the organs which should bo be examined i when hoff bog bolera Is suspected A description of the iho appearance appe aranco of the organs in cases of cholera la is given also it must bo be that all of these cheso postmortem appearances may not be found in ono one hog those in the skin largo large intestine small intestine spleen kidneys and lungs lunge aro are the most diagnostic ri skin rod nod or purple discoloration along belly and between the hams ulcers may appear and the skin crack and ears slough largo intestines external congestion and internal congestion with hemorrhagic spots in tho the acute form and ulcers in ili chronic cholera small intestines external and internal congestion sometimes hem spots seldom ulcers kidneys palo pale or dark in color with reddish black spots on the ex surface hay rosem blo a turkey ogg egg in appe appearance aranco spleen enlarged black friable dome sometimes times resembles black jam liver seldom any visible changes may be enlarged and cong congested stomach congestion on oa mucous lining in varying degrees bladder Con congestion jestion and spots on rancour mucous surface lymphatic glands varying degrees of congestion from pink to lark dark in color lungs may be covered with spots ot p red or blown brown color varying in size f from rem a pin head to a halt half dollar complete or hardening of parts of the long occurs occurs pus may form and adhesions adhesion a to the chest will sometimes take place heart sometimes shows small email areas of congestion of the base |