Show TIMELY NOTES OF patience tact and perseverance are arc among essentials in ili making success with sheep flock no use to go into sheep raising unless you havo have patience tact and groat perseverance in selecting a shoop pasture avoid low lamp damp ground because sheep will not n ot thrive on it boll with limestone or dry sandstone mattes the allo best ground old meadows with a 0 variety of grasses are much better for tho the sheep than artin artificial cial meadows vi which litell ate ale frequently changed snoop sheep tire aro proba kly Iv moro more delicate and more easily af feted by climatic changes than any other farm animal the wise shepherd does not wait until his whole nock flock Is affected before wi hl begins to attempt a cure but takes every precaution to prevent tho dlo easo case getting a foothold no use trying to make profit out ol 01 sheep on very high priced land rough hilly land that hold grasses mattes makes tho the best iha pastures during the hot summer months monis sheep often suffer from the want ol of clear cold water this should always bo be supplied marsh water will sooner or intel cause ca use disease in the flock it generally abounds in fit parasites to stuff bluff the ilok ono one week starve it tho the next to Is a n surp way to produce very bad effects men alen to whom all theop look alike will never succeed in tho the business every successful will know each individual animal and learn something of its peculiarities sow bow plenty of turnips for the sheep this fall ono one hundred head will con sume an aero acro of turnips in about ten days some farmers allow their sheep to harvest the turnips but this Is poor economy I 1 r jetor pull them thern and store them in tho the collars and pits and fee feed 0 as needed sheep thrive in the alf air and and quickly pine and fall away when what deprived of those essential elements it to IB a great aln tako to overlook a pasture as tho the sheep will lose the lat tor ter part of the tha summer all they havo have gained while pasture was wae good better keep the ram in the paddock by himself out lt a algat of tho the ewes in tho the daytime turning the ewes into the rams rains paddock nt at night tho the male lambs should be docked and castrated cast rated when ono one week old at this ago age they suffer little and the wounds quickly heal |