Show w 1 J L profitable AS LAYER brown L leghorn ahorn hen han six years year did stops stopa a laying just long enough to to hatch out brood As AB to tho the age limit of profitable egg p production ro there are many excel exceptions eions to this rule some hens bons tiro are never dover profitable egg producers while others may bo profitable for years I 1 have a three fourths grade drown brown leghorn that to la nearly sit elx years old and she has not stopped laying since early last lael spring long enough to hatch batch a brood of chickens says a writer in tin an exchange exa sh she a got broody last april and was given eggs but she sat but a few days until she eho quit her nest and was laying again in a short time she has bee been almost a continual layer up to his date and is still laying much if f the time rho laid an egg every lay jay tho regular profit of 1 p per ej r fowl eema aces to satisfy the average this Is wrong for 40 lo 10 one should bo satisfied in any line of work rose comb leghorn but constantly stil striving ving for better re and larger profits profeta twi TW and three dollars per fowl la Is a possible profit and to la being attained by some men in the poultry busi business nesa today the secret does doea not lie in the fowl or tho the variety but in the human brain let us ua all study more carefully the rules and principles that govern poultry culture lot let us ua strive to increase the profit in our flocks cocks ind thua each year set up a new standard for the succeeding year by thought perseverance and persistence gre great a t things can bo be accomplished with poultry |