Show r DOINGS AT THE HUB al 11 an in old tinier timer finds life a burden and suicides I 1 I 1 THE FAST aill KILLS al BEER 1 carnhan Carni ial palace began tivo hundred singers secured louing bay nam betting meeting to ie k lidd thumby I 1 I 1 HE TIRED FIRED OF LIFE john adkins shuffles off his this mortal tal coil COH I 1 mth strychnine StrIch nine there is another suicide to re record corl this time it in ili john adkins an old I 1 re resident ident of ogden he lie was visa found dead on hia life bed sunday lait sometime after noon the particulars as obtained are as folio follows a adkins haa has resided for many years year I 1 on monroe between twenty folleth and twenty at the time of lia his death a family by the name of A badesen Bade een cited in part of hn house on saturday night about 11 I 1 they heard him cume home and put up his horre in the morning he lie failed to appear but they thought I 1 nothing of it until three when they could not endure the suspense W any longer and therefore looked through the window they found him lying on the bed bel stretched out stiff I 1 air mr bredesen Bra desen immediately called of the neighbors and arid A C I 1 crites 11 II weston and mr flintz 1 1 came over with him they pried open the window and mr chitea stuck hia ilia hand through and felt of the k body which could be reached from tie me open window adkins ws was cold and find stiff coroner larkin was at I 1 orce notified of the death and appeared on the tile acene with deputy ballantyne BallaD Ballati tyne tylle shortly after an 0 examination was made and then sirron jamea james iver I 1 son and J JJ J keeve reeve were mere summoned as jurors ur re aschen when D adkins was found the I 1 arms were raised above his head and hands tightly gra J the rounds in the head bead of the tile I 1 bedstead in fact BO so tight that it was as with the utmost difficulty that t the be I 1 coroner and his assistants couldren could remove them it was thought at first that he lie had bad 4 taken a overdose of some medicine as a glasa glass was found on the table near him from which lie had evidently 11 druck drunk the contents on the bottom i was a crystallized ii powder ader this gla alaa 9 was given to professor thomas 1 gladley for analysis yesterday afternoon 1 he rendered a sworn statement 9 to the effect that that the glam contained i 1 I 1 strychnine A trunk was found cond 11 among the effects but no key to it on n prying p ing it open a small sma bottle tt e half full ull f of strychnine etrych ni nine 13 e was found w was as taken sunday evening g and then t the I 1 to jury a ij burned to I 1 meet at the cc county anty court bouse house on I 1 monday at 11 a in they met and further testimony was taken from the statements male by some of the witnesses it was evident that the old g gentleman rifleman bad bild become depressed and I 1 down down hearted he lie bad had stated to bis his daughter that an execution had been issued against him for a small amount I 1 a and 9 d that if they took his houe house from him be would not be here long oil kotlier kr e testimony tended that he be bad had t had much trouble in his family and bad had also been a physical sufferer Ater I 1 1 A post mortem examination was held during yesterday in morning orning by I 1 dr alien allen and bis his statement is to the effect that every evidence and symptom I 1 om tends to show poisoning the tile stomach w was as in such a state of inflammation and disease jabat that the I 1 poor man must have Euffe reU excruciating pain during the last few years of hia his life taking everything into considers coo sidera ion the jury rendered a verdict in accordance with the above facts the deceased was m as sixty one years yeal ra of age and left four children alive the cause of his ead act was undoubtedly r domestic I 1 troubles and bodily rl rain in which finally became unbearable 1 e ri I 1 I 1 the remains ar ara a now being wrig cared for 1 by undertakers larkin lindquist Lind quiet I 1 11 I 1 meck OX OS THE rACI FIC ailt stien cars in the he dieth and engineer hamilton killed 1 the tile fast mall mail Lound due here 1 at I 1 monday morning was wrecked reeked at a paint pint two and one halt half miles east of evanston at 1030 p in bunday may alth the cause was a broken rail tail the tra atan n consi consisted eted a of two engines three mail cara cars one baggage two coacher achen co two sleepers and a special coath coach OTO containing J V barker and party the first f engine en alno i parsed passed over but the tender broke br oke off and was derailed the second engine turned over and engineer george Ila hamilton millon waa as crushed under the ponderous weight eight and badly scalded being instantly killed all the care cars I 1 wen went t off with the exception of lie the 0 rear sleeper and epenial ep a ecial the front trucks of the former forme Maving leaving the tile rails from all accounts not a pa was hurt the newsboy plight slight scratch and the fireman was slightly injured about the head it was elated stated hat that the freight which passed the place ahead of the flier flyer found the broken rail and the jr was 1 auch such as to knock out the lights in the caboose ca the train n was as too heavy to be stopped and there were no brakes on the caboose so the en engineer gln I 1 I 1 ran hia his train into evans evanston ton and reported a bad place on the I 1 track rack about two to miles and a halt away aft ay instead of sending out a proper force on an engine it in is stated that a man was sent out on foot toot to fee ree what was the tile matter matte and before he had reached me the spot tr the accident den had happened this statement was made on good 4 authority the pa mergers and baggage ivas as transferred on the central Iaci pacific fic train fr ain in waiting w which wai sent out to bring them in and they arrived here at 1210 p in yesterday day at 1 p m the al slow low train duo due here at 10 I 1 camo came in bringing another 1 1 sleeper the funeral services over the re mains I 1 fis f 0 f the unfortunate engineer will bp b held at evanson evanton Ev anton anoton where he resided on wednesday meeting of the monte christos thris tos A rousing meeting of tile ilex org organization an of the kingdom of the blocky IN mountains fountains was as held last evell evening 19 SI suggestions were made in every feature indeck delk bedry P presenting itself we was to talked over and resolutions adopted which will 11 hasten listen the preparations for the coral carnival val another grand in mass ass meeting wai talked 0 of I 1 to surpass any meeting hitherto held hold ech each member felt that the work must be pushed pui hed willi with the utmost vigor and i an any delay allowing no difficulty to bill balk their efforts it was decided that a in mass ass meet irit it shall be held next 1 li is to be announced and raised b an enthusiastic brass band procession each member of the organization will follow the band and join the meeting A committee to find a suitable meeting place prepare a pro gramme and make all necessary arrangements for a successful meeting was al appointed ai follows E F 1 11 ridgely dr U D IV reid J A boyle A B 1 hayes and 8 A ash asti mr air A if nelson gees gea to plain city tonight to night accompanied bv by mr ridgeley to begin in an organization there north ogden will sill also be visited roon boon with the same purpose in view it was plated by one of the members that the floats now under con st ruction would be too high to pass un deethe elecirio ele cIric light wires by seven or ten feet and it wag was lee necessary cesary that they should ba be raised this matter was left w with ith the committee on alec t lee trie lights 0 after an adjournment of the general meeting the ommittee just ap api hinted met lor for further consultation it was decided that a meeting should be lie callej for next thursday and that it was to be known as the citizens carnival mats meeting all citizens are cordially invited to attend a and d w aipa pa bially is an invitation extent extended len to ibe the ladies of the cily city the br brass a ss hands bands of ogden will ba be invited to participate pate in the demonstration and furnish music for the occasion the place of holding tile meeting will bo be announced wednesday morning it will probably be the lester park pavillion papillion pa if the eather prove favorable the pro gramme will consist of music and short speeches pec ches including a general of the m oi k to be addo d me and a general I 1 good time mr boyle was appointed 1 a committee on music dr reid on the place of meeting mr ash on general arrangements and mr itayem on printing A meeting st will be beld this afternoon aft attern ernon on at 3 p in at the ogden state bank for the purpose of lF tel erting electing the speakers for the occasion and perfecting the details of the pro gramme it is anticipated that a most rou rousing ising and enthusiastic meet ICK trig will be the tile result of this step by the committee the carshal chorus professor charles A fisher is very mut audi it encouraged m with ith the support lie is receiving in the way of chorus singers to take part in the musical entertainment to be furn turn during ilie the carnival lie ile stated yesterday that he be bad now received names of about one hundred and twenty five people who were willing to lend their ai aid d in this respect more afore were prom promised iad and ho he considered it nery ery desirable that they should present their names at once so that the proper arrangement might be made lie ile sated slated further that he be wa wal a little short on altos ot otherwise berwise the number wan was fairly well divided he ile thinks it if all will ill unite units in one grand effort there will at least be two hundred bundred voices at his disposal dispo di eal and be he feels that the choruses to be r rendered luring the carnival will prove one of I 1 the lie inot successful features of the tile whole hole affair the Carni carnival Car ial palace L ailder way bids for the carnival palace have been opened and the contract awarded to it D shephard work began yesterday and the palace will be finished about the tile middle of june juno it will be lo located catel oa on union square wes west t of the dee stables and one end end will ill face twenty fifth reaching the edge edff of the walk alk the danci dancing ig floor will ill be a little below the walk the entrance ce will be on a level with itani the seats raised above it |