Show OFFICIAL orn ciAL VS j OF THE CT 1 1 i it C d winces P t 1 I C C r 1 PASSED AT ine Se silon conlon of tire lie t ait con reals rc I 1 I 1 NO 0 O 56 6 As aj j act ACE making appropriations forthe for the legislative and judicial expenses of I 1 the tha rov nt tur for tio year ending june eighteen hundred and three and fur or other purposes tM be ba it enacted by tile senate and house of I 1 e enta tives or of lite united slates of aniline in ill congress that the following ising eustis eliina br be anil and ilia elio satine tire are hurcey ii filled out ol of filly any money in tho the ry not bolh awl o lur fur the service cf the anctil year julie beigh I 1 leon bundled and seventy three for the ob I 1 facts ach nani namely uly 1 4 legislative E compensation cod and mileage Of Senators an d lise prop I 1 tr er accounting ollic erb of the llie Trel kUry 1 do part apartment ment be mild mid they theotre tre hereby authorized to suttle bud and the ihu accounts of the ahe sec detary of allt BlO fut fu mid arid ge ol of senators up to and including ilia third day clay of oti march lurch hundred and I 1 loveilla and that hereafter her the jhb fiscal year lot lor thu the or 0 such nu Coanta shall extend ty unil and include elio third day of july for compensation of the officers clerk und and others receiving tt an annold salary in elio service of if tile tho Sto vite tz iz see huc tt alj of alio llio senate four buur thuu annd three hundred and twenty dollars charged chir god hilll dis lurt of the bervi tv five hull dred and aix dul lais oust bierk three thousand thona and r and the iuni flum of one thou tholand and dol bollaro lart while the bald af bell fic is held by the pre crl stilt avid and no longer principal clark executive cles cicik it ED minalu in tile and ott k arid and to nan cial clrk clerk in the ihu of iho SelLie tary of ot t the senate ti nt fit two thO Uland live hundred and ninety two dallam dollas 47 evich sprints find ai w im axt the senate at two I 1 rid two hundred t and dolli domitr kro keeper gif the bid ti lio onery two thui liand one hundred find and two dollars find and anity wills IWO awu tit at ind two hundred avd finity EIX julian dollars end ono pascal seven hundred and twenty dollars vigeant at al arms dad and door keeper butir tholand thou and three hundri find nd dollars provided he ha ahall re rece ceilo iio directly or no fees or other cis tit or I 1 nio I 1 u in lit I 1 V ahat flat ver ever fur the duties of the office or ii if Elbey wise o it arrul elli till ft per two slid aud hab und ninety two dollars dol lArf to tho th Su Suni ito lo elio 10 thousand one hundred dul dollars laro fond I 1 carriar one ona fovell hundred and twenty twi aly eight dulles dol laii two mail iarlori at inq to ta hunyad dollars dollari calli I 1 of alio llio document room two tv thousand ono one an and sixty silly dollar ft 1 two spi tants iu in L at tone onu i thousand lour four huf andred and furty dollars each of the faulding room roam two thou thousand band one bundra and uty dollart dollars 0 three acting us as lispi taint doorkeepers at ono one thousand thou tand eight la hundred indred f dollart bollari each twenty bles to bo be appointed po and by the tha fragrant at al lit arms anith lio approval of tile tho committee to audit and control the CuD ex lenici of the denute St nut nt at one tour four hundred and forty dollars ear each if sect secretary aary to the provident Prop ident of tile senate two chousa thousand rid one hundred and two dollars 1011 mrs and forty cents clerk to iv elio committee on finance two thousand two d twenty dollars I 1 blerk to IS iiii ill committal on n claims claim two I 1 thousand avilo ano huri bred find and twenty doll dollars clerk of printing rc records cords two i two hundred and twenty dollard dul dol liiri larb clerk t ta coln coin mitt eoon tivo thou elio hundred and twenty dollars one laborer borer li in sf of vote eight hundred and ajl I 1 sixty fur dollar one 11 borer alij stationary eight hundred road and sixty four dollars ono one special policeman one tho uund d allars chaplain to cheb hundred dollars dollar chief engineer to ono one bundled I 1 tod iad sixty dollars ollars il thae asi tant engineers is m t on one ol 01 thousand four hundred and t floity dollars dollar each two firemen it at one thousand jaad nd five cullars each three labolt rs I 1 at stev boien en hundred and ind thirty hirty dollars doll arii cath cach lor tnt taking king in fill S one hundred and t twenty alent y I 1 thousand two tiro hundred and wals for temporary florki in tho the gleco of the secretary odilie senate ten tell thousand lol clars lara I 1 I 1 for contingent of abo sefrito Sen rito ifor az for stationary and four I 1 Kunji torr rate ralo of ono hundred anil nl twenty five dollars dollar one per annum nino nine thousand two hundred and fk fifty ty dul I 1 01 I 1 I 1 lt late i W I 1 for stationary fur committees and officers live thou thousand band dollars for clerks cleric to ta thorl ty five 11 thousand dollars for fourteen four toen pages for the Scip poW pham e ber two ridia riding g tig ey ednd 0 o ni sags ilie vice round room and one I age for the iho office ortho Secie secretary tary of ofilio the senate making cich acon pages in oil at the rate dollars per day edw pages to bo appointed ni removed by lite tor ter geant at a arnis willi kith tho the approval of the 1 to control th the con coil jj tl tin n gen rant t E rp asp b es of ahlf 13 a I 1 ahei atei ei th athons thons a 1 I s and nd dollars dillart dyl lart I 1 1 fo for bartes and car carryalls carry ryalls allt tevan thousand ia 1 dollar 10 0 0 i i ili for allt futol and oil f for ae kopting verl abatu f e leht dollart dollars for furniture art and id burn nurn five liou ihl 0 0 F A I 1 for labor thirteen thousand do bollara llara for fir boldi folding to g 1 and eight thousand thou and dollars dolln rs for picking boxes fore oven n hundred bundred and forty dolard doll nr for 1011 lincous items hem exclusive of labor thirty thousand usand Jol dolln lars rs thousand thi bor s or llo buil additional con pell atholl to the 9 of the senate for tile the congles tionne globe for depoi ting ling the proceeds ng of the senate for the e estion si of tile borly second Congre sst beRi vining on ilo elio first Mord ayin doce ber hundred and two eibrt foght hain alicd dollars each four thousand CAPITOL rolice POLICE for one captain to thousand and eighty eight dollars dolls rs three lieutenants tit ot ono thefts ahr m find and eight hundred dollars each atten privates nt at une one tholand thou and rive li hundri ol and eighty four dollars eacle borly tio 1 bou annd seven hundred find and sixty eight do dollar I 1 lars ant and eight watchmen at one thousand dol lura eul each eight and dollars dillong mn mil liing long in nil all fifthly elight thousand two hundred and fifty fix dol dolla laro jn ono imir to bo be paid MID tile the conting contingent brit fund or of tile tho house of ue V and tho the other halir to lo io 10 paid into tho the contingent fund of the lite senate por for compensation find and melvage of me m ber or tile hudio ot ol and delegates di cioca territories ono one million dollars to his con slow d I 1 |