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Show 1 TODAY'S METAL PRICES tt Hf A i jjY flf 1 Tllf M H WEATHER FORECAST ' I I NEW YORK Copper 19"4c; Iron unchanged; antl- II K HI til. Wt UliT 1 tl I 1 II ifl 1 11 Weather indications for Ogden and Vicinity: B mony 11c; lead 8.50c; zlnf 9.10c. sJUJ V WL " Jx V W W 4 Fair tonight and Sunday except probably snow in if r. . ,. . . imnnn., northwest portion; warmer tonight. if O FEARLESS O INDEPENDENT PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER I IJ j j nftieth Year-No. 2i. PrC0 Fve cents OGDEN CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24, 1920- LAST EDITION 4 P. M. i |