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Show J - Blrthdavr Farrv.y While viniing in Karaas o ff1' Ing of April 12tb, your Co- 1 mt had the honor .l la-ing r' ' a : party who met al the bo ' er Kuth I'aik better ku wij j qj nt Hull..", li t- -i -n ol hereiKhiy-nr-t blitbday. JUii r- f ity, if all were living, woul. f:nrfr . her age eigbty-otie. Nmejj I, in-bar in-bar hve pa"ed to the greI Id- one aon and right grand cliil' I .h-rti aie living right children, lhv three , grand children and eleven great grand I c' ililim. t Inrge limnlier ollhe alive i were prei'lt Willi three anna Il'iaa. two daoglilera-ln law, ti E. fa, a and i wile, Siaier Ann Harder, Ki.lrr Marv I I,,,, Mi-iv-. l.iie llodangand Ketla ! Imnn. I Tlcnigli Aunt Itnth i mliit-in-yenra ol age ahe i- hale and hearty. f"H of HI and uwlulneaa, and we " no reaon why the aboiild not le many yeara yel In come, a Mealing to ht family, fam-ily, and to partake ofthelr bleiioiiia and eomfort. Ili r life Ir lull ol event! ! nlillleaa, Induairy "d hardship thai ee endured en-dured only by tho-e hnplnnaen- thra mounlaiu valea. Aunt llaih oove a team Hcrrxa the plains Ironi tba Maaouri river to I'lah an ox and a cow ling a great portion nf the time on pound parched corn, with a Utile wnk fnnn the cow Ihul worked. Allr ihc grlved here ahe erfnrnird such labor aihatil-1 aihatil-1 inn poles Irom the canyon, fenrlig the farm, plowing, etc.. while her hnhand the late John Tack) waa :,n a aiaalon in France with Pre. I. lent JnhnTlvlnr. With all the experience n! truil. brd-ship brd-ship and suirering endure.1 by ibawwbo made the ilc.crt to blnianm U rose, Auu. Kuib ia acquaint!, anij it her p.irly expreaaed her bearilelt rliaik to I io.1 that alia bad leen able lotudlire what ahe baa during bar life. May her h.alil. continue) tog.xl am! may her life be ipared formally yenrilathe wish of the wrii. and I am sure The Time will jmnnlheae wialiea. ae will a I no the readeriof the aame. Yea, we all join in wiabiag her many happy return of the day. Would that we, the youth of Zlon, cld appreciate ap-preciate the laliora ol our lalaira and motberaw bo have made it pal'!e for ill toeuyiy null bleiaiiixa na aaJo. )aMii K. Sikons. |