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Show DUEL IN STREET. Largs Crowd Witnesses Pistol Flghl That Ends Fatally, A fatal duel waa fuught In Wctt Farms, Itnrcugh of tho Ilronx, between two Itstltns Fully 200 rcople sow the battlo, which occurred In tho atrect at tho terminus of a trolley lino Many were within n few feet of the combatants, but ran nwny screaming The duellits nllghtcd from n trolley car after cutrrel llotti drew revolver!, re-volver!, backed npirt nnd began rhootlnrt without preliminaries! Several Sev-eral ahota had been fired when one ot tho men fell with a bullet through tho held A policeman arrived ar-rived nt tho rriment nnd cao chiio to tho tinlnlured Italian Several tine tlm officer fired nt tho fugitive, tit2 llnjlly foil nnd waa captured, but ibolkod nn wounds ThM cauto ot tho duol was not learn Kl- m |