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Show I NEIGHBORHOOD I MS. Around the County in Seven Days. Yht llapf tunings of the Put Week Told la Detail bj Efflclent Correspondents. OAKI.CV. Onctrr.Uteh. April, S, IM. Kmrna Tiutt: The mow ha bean going faal the latt I dnyorlwo. Horn lo Mr. nnd Mn. Loulao Jcnion a pair of twiiiion the 3llh Tbo btijr ttiuj Immullatcly anil Ilia girl ami mother are doing nicely. I Mm T. T. Kaiuiuteaii It very 111, part at the time ruing iinconiclout. From ill appearances the vrill looie liar reaeon en'lroly. Thit humeri aw Inlay putlluit In Ihelr cropi, tome have ukii their whrat. Ultner .Mini camo In Irom Wyoming latt night. H. rriM, Proi, Utah, April 2l, UHO KihtubTimsi Auilln V. Msrrhent end Ida Mile were married nt the home ol thebrlJe's mother In Veoa on April 12th. The groom If the eon fll John A. Merchant; the bride, iheilangliler ol Mi. ltachcl ' Mahulda Miles. KlderF V. Merchant f performed ihe ceremen', aller which Iheguosls partook of nn excellent ! per which had len provided lor the occasion. The evening wat tpent In an enntble lumilier, vocal anil Inetru-menial Inetru-menial mmlc being given ami eoclal cImI ami merry laughter and bright laylngi who heard on every tide. Tho preienli were many anil useful and showed the eeletm In which Mr. and Mn. Marchsnl are held. At midnight the guests wished the )oune, couple a lang, priperout, and happy HI and then del "ted lo their lionitt. Tho p it week baa been one ol eon- ' tlnued nd norms and everything that was Hut ied down took a mil In the alrl Some, four oung men who have been at work on the rail read gride have ro cuncil !.um, Oeorg W. Hievens, the enterprising Oakley Merchant, wat here the Ural o( the wee'e. George It looking up butl-neii butl-neii and U bound la win out. Ever) body la buay plowing and putt- Ilugln grain with n will i tie land. owing ts an much wind, l faat drying out and sruih It helm; made with all rum and ' garden work Jual njr, I Tl.egeneral heallh of, our clllrens la j good I aomo people have rotdi and rheit- matlo palna but nothing lerlnna. Vow thai tin roada between here and Park ()ty are becoming patisbla tho hauling of mining timber and lumber to that place will loo" U resumed. Thn Jury having decided that Mr. quay was not guilty, aa charged, it la about lime tbo oenert let up blm and ulvo the gentleman a real. All ore aniloutly looking (or llio re-port re-port n( Ibedeclalve letter In the Philip-plnei Philip-plnei ami it It bored hl l" '"" ment which la to lake place) M, or near Calncuplt will be "lcl' "nl b'lnK peace between our government nnd Filipino.. At beat, war la a dreadlul thing and It la a ijue.tion il lh vlctora will gain anything In lelum tor lo many llvet lust aud w many wen dlv abled. Ihopetostethedty when all dillerene.i between nation and nation will baaettlsd by arbitration, B. U.K. Vim. Hill l( I'll HT Kgcki-uht, Ulub, April, 20, lW. I) nil cm Timet i Tho dlttrlit aihool doted on tbu XI ThvvtcUdlug which luok platoon Hi 19th wntuquietone with Juit a few ol the Moat Intimate (rlciide and relatives present. Hbowerolhovlcllinij-ED A dance took place at night In which all eujoyvj tlicuiiiilua TbeSundaj miollngwaaaildreaitd by ICIdrra Ifubion ami Colli who gave 101110 very Intrrtitingreuiaiks. Tbe young ptnpleo! ltork putt went to Katnaa In llio giatid ball nn the I'l. Al, mciiimI In enjoy themielvoe. MlatJarinon of Salt Lake la vlalling ellli fiiendaln lU-kH)ft. Mr.ltolert Slddonayand ion 11iWrt have gone to Salt I.uku City. Mn. Mary Viekary ia able lobe out after being contlno.) lo the home all winter. , tl S. WAMiur. H'iKMilr, Ul.li, April in, IKflO. KiiiTiiuTiuia' Mr A. A. Audtrion hat moved bit family lo Halt Lake thli week. Sll.ia Anderaon, I'urd Cnrtla and Mark llliaon lelt Ihlt weak for Wjo-mlngtoget Wjo-mlngtoget employment. J. M. lllxion Jr. eame down from Paik City laat vvuek and epont a fev daa wltliU. The 22 Quorum olSeventlea held thtlr quarterly conference hereon the 33rd; there waa a fair attendance. Theapeakera nt the Bunday woialilp meeting were II. I. lVteraoo, James Woolalobbulmt and Kilae M l'ark. All made iiitereatiog remarkt. Mn. Margaret Y. Taylor of tail Lake lame gut on the SJnd to eelebrata her birthday wllli liar brother, Geo. V, Young whota birthday It on the aaina day. 21.1 ul April Mrt. Taylor iatba oldest and .Mr. Geo. W. Young Itlbe Toupgett oltho family. Theuilekralloii tuoa plaioal 0. V. Young'a home, all the relativreof the familr llilng here boingpreieiil. A moat enjoyable time II ml one long tn ba remembered, waa bad. While tho wind wat blowing ao harl on Mondara lire atarlrd near Up. K 11. Yunng'a yardt wbtia he liaa a birn and bay itncka and other properly. Il atarled from a tiro let to burn up aotne broth In hit Held. The wind carried tbe aparkr a quailer of n mile and 111 among tome atraw on a feed ground which crept luwarda hit tlublea and etackaal a rapid rate. The people of the town turned out In mate and it took all their efforlt to keep U from the ttackaand other bulldingi. IliChadgot ttarltd among them It would have burnt up mono! the town. Y, IIENKrKU llrxr.rru, Utah, April S7, UD9. RDlTOTlra: The ground hero it covered with tnow this morning, ami there Is nn kick about the dry weather loUy. Spring wheat la nearly kD in and fall wheat It looking well The Ik a have returned from tbe weat with their eheep. They report very I little mow on llieilnert al winter, the Iaheep iiirToring to tome extent no that account. 1 Hheep ahcailng. hia eommenred here, I hut the atorm will Interrupt the work, Tne Itcllrf Poddy ami Young I.adiea haveadancoaild lunch announced for Vridav evening llio CHih, toialte meant for Ihe Btaka limit". Maaart. Waller Wilaon, C, 11. Andor-ton, Andor-ton, (ieorge llonil. and the Htevent Ilroa. left here latt Sunday (or Modiclrio Bow, Wyombf, to work o Ibe U. I'. grade. n'liile reading an article In oae of our State papera on Uoalvllle'a progreu in completing ibe beaullfnl Slake Houie, oficmiav aialttidby tbe various warda, I noticed alae anether oomroeBdable work ha Uen accomplleheil, namely, the Improvement nl llielr Cemc'erv, and I am led to aak the question, how long will Ihe peoplo of Uenefer pstmlt stock ami thicplo trample on and deie-ornle deie-ornle ibe graves of their departed loved ones, for the want of a lei ce, tbatrulbl have Wen put up years ego? If e only had a little push ' Thit tame enbjtrt hat been tpokenof every year lor the Usl dvo jenrs, and I hope lo live to s.e tho day that our cllliene will take tbo matter in band ami never ictt until tbe object isaicoinpllihcd. Tho Way things am now, wadeouralrniiit trim up our graves In the day lime, and tbe calUe and tbeep come and eat tbe flow era, and roll on the gravea at night. Yours ferlmprovemant. W, It. |