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Show I The Coalville Times B PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. H aJOIlSORUTION l'MCK-lnclu.linir. postage In the Unite 1 Stales Canada ami Mexico, per year . . ... Sl-jw DfJI Hlxroonlka Bfl Three months " 81nleoopy ,VD mH "AYMENTS aiiouklbe made by Cheek, yonay Order, or Heg-UterKl Letter H payablf i to The Coalville Time, Coalville City, Utah mH JMSl'LAY-One dollar per Inch per month. Literal illacounte on yearly con- ' tracU of M or more Inches. H LOCAIA-Ten cenU per line first Insertion Seven cent per line thereafter. H liKJALS Ten cent r Hue Dnt Inwrtlon. Five cenU per line thereafter. bbbH MIKI'Vr LASKOI'S-Chnrch WotlcM, Fain. Ilennnu, Ohltuarlee, Cards of H Thank,'lliv)liitlon etc .ftt nveienta per line each Iniertlon H Entered at the pontofflce In Coalville, Utah, May 7, '!, aa aecond-elaM matter. H ' r.onoxan u.4.nnu,tiir. |