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Show H The Coalville Times Hi PUBLISHED EVSRY FRIDAY. IHL riiSCntl1'ION ritIcr.-lfK-lii.IlnK poatiwe la the Unltejd StntM, H Canaitn nml Meilcn, jier your II.W H Ml IIMMltlH H litre month 10 j mug!) ir H I'A YMK.VTS ahonltl l made liy Clik, Mutiny Ortler, or Heirliterfxl Letter j payable to Tim OmIvIII TIiiiim, OkiIvIIIo City, Utah. K IMSl'LA YOne ilull.ir iwf liieh per month. Liberal dUcounU un jeatly oon- H tract, uf SO or niorolnchw. Hj COPALS Ten rent per lltie flrt Itwertlon. Seven cent per line thereafter. H CB'l VI. Ten eont wr line tint tiMertlon. Hre eenU per line thereafter. H VlsrKM. NKOI!H-niuTChtfullcea, Falni. HenoflU, Obltuarlea, Orila of H Thank. ltiMoliUIm. te . at fU cnnta par line each lurtlmi. H Xntere.1 it the pnatnnVe In Coalville. I'tnh. Mny 7, 'SI, teemnl-eluu iimtter. Hl I'(lllxk N.J. PETERSON, Cdlter. |