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Show I The Coalville Times' MM PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. j HH sriwCRirTIOS I'ttiTE-lneluttlng postage In Ihe frilled States, H . CmimIii unit Mrairii. per ;wr "E H WtnHinlh I 1 ThtM imrntlm A; HH Sltiglewpy w HH AYMK.VTS IsotiM he made by Chesk, Money Oriler, or Uejtaternl Letter B payable to The OaiItUI Time, Coalville City, Utuli. H i)ISt'lA Y-Um tlollnr per IneJi per month. Liberal tllecounU oh yearly con- HH triteis of 80 at root e inches), H yxlj Tn cent pr line flrt liitettloii. Seven eeiiU per line thereafter. B MM AlA-Ten cent per line flrtt Insertion. Mv cent per line Uiirtir. H illWRW-AXKOf-ChiKfliKotloei, 1'alra. Benefits, Obituaries, Otnlii of 1 Thanke, Hvwilnti'm, uto., at Ave cents per line ewh Innertlon. H Knternl at the poal.iit.ee In Coolrllle. Utah, May T, 'til. eecnml clam, mutter j V. O Ihn . J. FCTEHS0H. Eiifr. |