Show I 1 jk I 1 L T theatrical in n a 1 L AT THE UTAHNA THEATER I 1 the performances at ai the Ut utahna alina theater this week are attracting a good audle audience ned and deserve it tor fox the play hip van winkle Is nicely carried on and with color spot effects looks realistic the moving pictures aro are far superior and the test best ever reproduced on a screen clear and flech less for you can continually stare at them without effecting your eyes and ana it is no wonder ad as mr grant takes special care in securing his attractions and his help the pictures are arc are you an felk a very interesting reproduction of the famous first second and third degrees of initiation also a trip to tho moon a very colored pir picture ture tie pictures are being operated by sir air H revier late from hales tour of the world revier is an expert linguist and has traveled all over europe taking moving pictures for the hales con co he has haa recently returned from rica puerta spain where the famous spanish tull bail fight took place mr air will as soon as tho the weather permits take moving pictures of the ogden canyon ah as far as the dam as he says bays it is one of 0 tho the gran grandest dost real scenes he ever saw |