Show 1 Luther King gets Campus Speech By ELAINE KRANS Chronicle Staff Writer nf Martin Luther churchman and leader in the will speak Union Ballroom Tuesday at STUDENTS may obtain tickets presenting their activity cards tor Orson Spencer Hall lobby desk torn 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. or at the extension Annex between 8 a.m. and 5 today and received international fame in 1956 when his preaching succeeded in end-in of non-violence the segregation on the public buses of who is co-pas-I tor of the Ebenezer Baptist Church in also serves as president of the Southern Christian Leadership He is vice president of the National Baptist Sunday School and Baptist Training Union Congress of the Nation-al Baptist The Atlanta-born leader graduated from Morehouse College and received a Ph.D. in systematical theology from University in The 1957 Gallup Poll revealed him to be one of the most admired religious leaders' in the King's recent activities with the campaign have been in the headlines throughout the THE SPEAKER is the author of two Toward Free- dom and Measure of Man He has had his articles appear in several sociological and historical He has traveled extensively in Asia and In 1957 at the invitation of the prime minister he attended the Independence celebration of the new African nation of IN 1959 King spent one month in India conferring with governmental leaders and disciples of the Gandhi Memorial He has received more than 50 and honorary degrees for his MARTIN LUTHER noted churchman and anti-segregation leader will speak to students Tuesday at p.m. in |