OCR Text |
Show I YEARS .."Km EXPERIENCE 1 " m tv-uo or "Wf METHODS, a ' v -e Alone own M Vand Control. g for all Dis iTA. 4. jc I . ilM o I or mtmmi5 1 who raaMCTnd . 1 Usril'-ir! ta-ma a limit 0 ThMESREE gum mm m mi imnm l" ' " "u'ieJ'vk (La all patients, j ; j I'A'LjpiopE YQu fay- I '''Z Ti.-n . brooil ovrry.mr condition, nor slvo up la despair 1 jj "iiTr'-MiiW..! the Vort Ca-a twva yielded tu our MOAii M 1.1 Man HT asseliorili la oar wonucttfUL WW, wtoctt wo B 15 .-. aj'L.-!.", IiUt paid. ,.-, t- a luu.ua! tiu. HtTiTIO-UAI. g H 1,,-iiicrabc- uooiiutlsoiiiiitiio ruethous, appllauCoa ana eiperl- 1 M ei-.eo mat iii em ploy, ami we claim ttie konotoiy of uniFOHJf 3 .uec5J. f A'f bliuAL Co., 64 NtAUAHA Si.. BorUm, II. r. I 2,000 References. Name this paper when you write. prepared to fill ail orders for I.iiiie large or sm ill. will he delivered 'to any part of the town or County, nt ii;rii able prices. JWtoic Store. A. Marker, IDAHO FALLS. DEALER IN ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF Musical Instrument!!. Strings & Trim tilings. Kest Brass Band Instruments. All kinds, Orchestra & hand Music, Sheet Music and Music Books. Send for my new Catalogue Just out it has a sketch oi OK- Bull's Violin Playing in it and much good infoiina-.1011 infoiina-.1011 in for musicians Send me your orders for what you waul in the Music line. ALSO Watches, fine Gold and Rolled Fi.il ewelry, Cultery, Ktc, . Klc. Molt Square Dealing Fair lenns Siandar TRIUMPH ' OVER DISEASE T SOME NOTABLE ADVANCEMENTS ' IN THE ART OF HEALING. The Remarkably Successful Method of Treating Consumption, Catarrh, Ca-tarrh, Deafness, Lheuinatiiftn. Paralysis, General Debility ami Other Distressing Chronic Diseases Dis-eases by Now located at 70 Ve3t Second South Stiee Palt Lake City, Utah Evidence of a Large Number Num-ber of Extraordinary OuresAficr Ordinary Treatment Had Iriiied and ' Hope of Recovery Abandoned. Aban-doned. TESHMOMALS THAT CHALLENGE BELIEF. Unsurpas-. i .;'!e& for the Successful Suc-cessful i-reauiieut and Radical .-. ' ""SI- ALFP OW THE TRACE. A little chiM. tired of plflv. Imd pillowed his hciul on a railroad track and fallen asleep. I be train wus til most upon him when a passing etranjrfT ruliod lorwai'd and saved bim Irom a hoi r-iMft deat :i. Perhaps vou are asKep on tha track, too. ou are, if you are negloctinjf th b.iciiin couh, the hectic tlueh. t ho loss of ai l:--tiLo, Kiowing- weakness and lasaitude, wricn have uiicuiisoioiihly crept upon you. ft ake up. or the tram will be upon youl Consumption, which thus insidiously fastens ita bola upon its victims while they are unconscious un-conscious of its approach, must he taken in time, it it is to be overcome. Dr. jVieroe'a Cioloen Medi-.'Hl Discovery tm cured thou-e-TiiJs of c;isos of tins most fat.1! of maladies. II Wkcn in tune, and (riven a fan trial, it U (uanj.ntet4l to benent op cure in every case of ( onsi!!uptn.:i, or money paid lor it will be For Weak Lungs, Spitting: of Blood, Shortness Short-ness of ilivath, Bronchitis, Asthma,, Severe i. onu'Iis, ami kindred tttlections, it id aa effi- Copyrlglit, 153, by WORLD'S DiS. Mkp. Ass'w. "Seeing is Believing." vT?? And a good lamp j&fXfc rffjrrf"X?y must be simpie. when it is not simple- it is OTtJMMI kuUvljliMti not good. Simple, Beautiful, Good these jiiF . f words mean much, but to see "The Rochester" faC will impress the truth more forcibly. All metal, VwJ tou"h and seamless, and made in three pieces only,2 :::. it 1q abiPluteh safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin s W (of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar- AS velous light is purer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric light and more cheerful than either. ; 4. T rnT this statnD The Rochester. If the lampdealer hasn't the eennlno . ) Look fur thissiamp i " ' , f w inuitrated catalogue LTwm send tu 2 ?amp safify Iv expr?,S-your cho. of over 2,U(i jif :H: T'J varieties fiom the Largest Lamp Store in the World. VtffW BOCHES1EB LAMP CO., 4i Parlt Place, Nw York City. JSL "The Rochester." Cure of the Various Diseases of the Eye, rtar, Head, Throat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Nervous System and liroken-Down liroken-Down Constitutions. Dr McLennan lias by his unw'eaMed attention and extiaurdinaiy tticco-s, gained a reputation widen calls patients from all pails of die cutintiy to obtain advice, and without boasting, be can say that probably no other physician in the western slates or territoiies is treating at the. present iiine so many cases ol chronic diseases. The development of important and supeiior remedial agents and mod s of cure, have enabled him to succeed in thousands of cases where oliieis have failed. The unparalleled success wuh wnirhhe has treated difficult and Ihe so called "incurable cases" goes to show that no one should give up in de-ipair, simply on the assertion of one or two, or three physician- w ho may have tailed to effect a cure. It is with t'ne hope of reaching many of this class that he advertises, and not alone Irom the profit it may deservedly yield him, Li: i .1 the real s uisfartion 01 doing good, and relieving the pains ol humanity and sending hope to the hearts of thousands of afflicted fellow-creatures fellow-creatures who are enduring great suffering suffer-ing under the erroneous impression (n.it they are beyond human skill. These he is resolved, shall hearot him, and realize the truih of the saving, that, "while there is life there is hope." NO IDLE "BOASTING READ THE EVIDENCE. rV. E.Spencer, 667 Stale road; cured of constipation and an obstinate case of skin disease. V. 1), Lewis, Ihe f'ullen; catarrh and bronchitis cuied. P. Lar-sen, Lar-sen, city walerwoilcs; catarrh, E. .Miller, .Mil-ler, lilug troubles cuied. Ira Stamper, 242 Third South Last; psoriasis (a fhlli-cult fhlli-cult and obstinate skin disease) entirely cured. J. Hencley, 550 East Third South street; lung troubles from la-grippe; la-grippe; also stomach, kidney and liver troubles cured. Mrs. KeiO, 67 Gipe street; caianh cured. Mrs. KarlJiAA l-ham, l-ham, East Mill Creek; rheumatism cured. Mrs. A. Reynolds, 550 East Third Siiuth street; catarrh, piles, etc.. etc. John Parsons 79 Oak street; granulated f .3 irjcunbtc case of Catarrh in -Jf the Head, bv the proprietor of Dr. Siis--s Catarrh KeimMy. Only 10 cent bold by ui'iijyuits everyvv here. EMERY CUL'XTY BARfiAlX' STORE Orantjeville, Emery Co-. Utah- J. K. REID DEAl.KR IX Dry Goods G roccrics Keeps a full Line of 5, 10. anil 2i ceut Counter (ic-Oils. Also General Mer-eliariilise.. Mer-eliariilise.. Limps ami Medicines. IVr scriptious carefully Couipoiiniled. Buys all kinds at produce. Highest price paid for Hides, Wool, and Kurs. all cash purchasers to the amcuut of tl 00 gets a I'rize. , lion t Eail to Call and Bny Yourse liicli. THE Sarin ys - Institution Salt Lake City What Are Misfits and Cneallt'il-For floiliinj? Epl! W SIMPLE 1M zr eV:J CONSTRUCTION ""1 Ca" M light RUNNINS 'yiC'l AND DURABLE GIVES KA'"V PERFECT If- -' . SATISFACTION ft AMERICAN BMtSlWiNS MCMl CO PRINCIPAL OFFICE FACTORY CDR.20IH-ST. JtWASHlKGTON PUL EIHLftDELPTilA, PA. WHOLESALE BRANCH HOUSES ' CHICAGO. Ill CINCINNaTl OHIO. Sarpcte Valley Railway. TIME TABLE, NO. 5. To take ellect Wednesday, Dec. 21, IS'.iO. Going North. Stnlions. Goin Soutb . .No. 1, -No. 'J. a. m. 1- in- 9. 00 Leaves Chester. Arrives 2.JT. l-M leaves Irrtr fk 9.45 ' ' Drappr, Leaves l.l. 10.10 ' ' FonntitiuUreen. ' ' l.-r- lO.Stt ' ivih", ' l.'. H. 10 'Mtiin Street Nrphi, ' ' V-M5. 11.1 Arrives Ncphi, Lt-aVfts ltMo. Trains run daily, Sunday excepted. Trains stop at stations inarmed only w lien signaled. HEODORE Bkcbace, General Manager, IX. S. KERB, Gc-ncriil Super in Umlaut. mm FAMOUS TELLUhlAN GLOBE ' For sale at the Sentinel Oillce by II. G. BRADFORD General Agent I air. prepared to furnish anything in the school-furnishing line. All goods warranted. Now is the time to snbscribe for Ill MUlllMli Only $2.50 per year. IY1AYFIELD CO-OP Dealers in ocerii! Eta Are carrying a fine line of Men's and Boys' Clotting, also Boots and Shoes. MAYFIELD, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH. eyelids, oiooa disease and gravel. 1). i. Davidson 536 East Fourth Soutn; liver troubles and general weakness. E. Laker, La-ker, S42 East Thild South; rheumatism and catarrh, whith partial deafness. .Mis. Eunice Campbell, Center street, near Prospect; various troubles. Isabella Wilson, Wil-son, 957 First steet, coiner O; sciatiaa. Joseph Kellev, dyspepsia, with constipation. constipa-tion. Mrs. Susan Hancock, 236' West Sixth South; neuralgia. J. O. H. Lund-quist, Lund-quist, member of the firm of Messrs. Sandberg & Co., furniture manufacturers manufact-urers and dealers. H. Oliver, 64 West Third South; dyspepsia and constipation. constipa-tion. Jacob Somers, McKtnuon block; lumbago and constipation. Jacob Howxhuist, 30S West Fifth Soulh; consumption, con-sumption, so called by his physicians, cured so as to be able to go to work in two weeks. Henry V. Cox, 260 Center street; dyspepsia, diarrhcea, lumbago and general debility. W. Knox, Stale street, south of the Jordan; calatrh and dyspepsia. James Kendall, Esq , the well known carpenter and builder, 735 West North Temple street; piles, dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, etc. William Henley, of Murrav, now at corner ol Fifth West and Second South; cured of paralysis. Hon. A. Bunker, of Tpeka, Kan., and lonneily mayor of Washington, la , now at crr-ner crr-ner ot Second East and Third South; catairh, deh: ' '- spepsia. F. B. Fuller, rep e... . lithographing company ol VoloadLj. now at Temple-ton; Temple-ton; dyspepsia with general debility, John Price; 934 East Thild street; htaii disease. Ddward Griffilii, 44 Clinch street, .Mrs. Pickering, 336 East Fourih South street; various troubles for w liirh she doctored for years without benefit, says she would be in her grave now if i; was not for Doctoi .McLennan's skill Mrs. Ctowthers, 509 Fifth South and Second East, J. L. Mabry, 175 Vtat Seventh street; dyspepsia. Theodie Nelson, 342 West Thiid South; a ie markable cure ot correa (dt. Vitus dance). This patient has been under treatment in Colorado and other plai s for some time, deriving no benefit. Df. McLennan effected a cure in two week Thomas Bott. Esq., the well known milk man, S62 Second street; dyspepsi and heart troubles, etc., etc., etc. Many more could be referred to, but we are not at liberty to publis.h their names. Their names and addresses will be furnished to those who are snffi. 1 Ikt niv naraMitu Made by Tailors, ami either .lid iir.t fit or were nnealled fr,r. We haveer.iitrurts w ith manv of the leading tai 1-ors 1-ors ti.i.,iiLliuiu the l nitt.1 mates. To the tniiors thr.-e K.ods are almost a total I01.9, and w ( si-eure ihriu :it less than cost of material, enabling us lo sell theai aain at bait. an,l oft eiitinu less tlian half tho orijr-nal price, Vou will abva.s lind some 01 the nnest Prince Albert Al-bert sniis from $ l." to $30, worth double. Alterations to improve tit free of charge. w o Soil $:o Tailor Made suits and overcoats for $10 Oil -'5 " " - 12 00 SO " " " " ' 15 00 40 " " ' " " 20O0 50 ' " " " ' " 25 00 The above con?iis of all styles, cofora and shades. A rare ehauce if wo don't fit you. Z 1 - r ? SO ? . 5 I O 15 I 0 F3 ! o ,! $ ? 1 . fis ? S Q PI u x P Pension POttai, Lauil an. I Indian J-'ISRArjDjrv-Vi VJ ester n m Ra!Lv;ay STANDARD GAUGE. Time Table, in Effect Nov. 1st, 1S91. EASTBOUN'D TUA1NS. So.i Nu. 4. Athiutic Atlantic Mull: Express. Leave Oirden S:30 a.m. 8:;!tip. ni Arrive Salt Lake !l:40 a. ni. 910 p, m rLv. Salt lake il-;,0ain. fi..c.;,3p. 111 Arrive l'rovo 11 :".il a. 111 ll.;i.","p. 111 Leave Provo li:40a.m. 11:40 j. 111 Arrive Green liiver... l:::j p.m. 5:40 u. m Leave (ireeu liiver.. . 6:55 p.m. 5:45 u. 111 Arrive til and Junction 9:H0p. 111 y:;-;uit. m Leave liraiui Jiinetio.! y:5o p. ni. 9:55 a. in Arrive Glenwood Springs l:iKla in 1:-J5 p 111 Arrive Leailvillo 5:55 a m 7:J0p 111 Arrive Pueblo 1.10 p.m. 2. Jo a. m Ar Coi Sprin-js ;t.-- p. ni.J.ln a, 111 Arrive Denver s.:;0 p ui 7. 110 a m WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. I No::, l'aiitlc ravine. Mall. Express Leave Denver 7.inl a m 7.00 p 111 Lv t'ol Spi ings 9. ,8 a in 9 45 l in Leave l'uebln 11 ; p m 11.15 p 111 Leave Leadllle 5.45 p. 111. 5 55 a 111 Leave Glenwood Sprilies !).55 a m 10.13 am Arrive Grand Jum-tiou 1J.50 a in 1.10 p 111 Leave Grand junction t 00 a. m. 1 311 p. 111 Arrive Green liiver.. 4'-0a.m. 4:.t7nin Leave Green River . 4:.'5 a. in. s-n; J. in Arrive l'rovo ;lft p.m. 10 5 p. in Leave Provo .... lo:;:.5p. 1,1. 0 55 a m Arrive Salt Lake lj;nl i m l 111 Leave Salt Lake.... I':IJ p.'m. li aia'm Arrive Oyden 1:0 p. in, 1:30 a, m LOCAL TRAINS. Going North Leave Salina 7 a In Leave Manli S 51 a n1 Leave tphraim 9 la a ni Leave Spilng city 9 41 ni Leave Mount Pleasant 9 58 a Leave Fail-view 10 17 a w Leave Indianola 11 0? a in Arrive Tliistle u .)t) ni Leave Sprinuvllle 12 01 , n. Leave Provo p. 55 , , Arrive Salt Lake o- I, , Arrive GKdeu 3" 10 p , Going South PILES. Mr. Williams Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding, and Itching Piles when all other Ointments have failed. It absorbs the tumors, allays the itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' In-jpan In-jpan Pile Ointmenti s prepared only joj Piles and Itching of the private parts and nothing else. Every box is warranted. war-ranted. Sold by druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price, 50c. and f 1.00 per box. Williams M'f'g Co-, Prop's ! Cleveland, Ohio, LCst Stock of Clothing In Manti. TTJTTLE & CO., o(DEALERS IN)o cieniiy inieres.ed to call on iiiem personally. per-sonally. Only cases upon whom ie-markable ie-markable cures hove been wrought are published or referred to, and then cnlv by permission. Mr. J. M. Howell the .vell-kown mining man 55 West Second Soulh street, ki.li.e w.,ubles with broken down constitution. .Mis. Kast of Sandy, Utah, neuralgia that had baffled the skill' ot several physicians. Mrs. C. Stewart also of Sandy, Utah, bronchial consumption, con-sumption, heart disease and dyspepsia. J. B. Orr, Nevada bouse, East Second Soulh street, heart disease. DR. McLENNAN May now-be consulted at his office, old Tribune building, 70 West Second South St. where he tteats with equal success all curable cases, curing deformities generally consideted incurable. Con sumption, Bright's disease and Dyspepsia. Dyspep-sia. Catarrh and Fits cuied. Special organic weakness and diseases of the sexes positively cured, or no fee. Any patient consulting Dr. McLennan McLen-nan from this advertisement will be allowed al-lowed to from the regular fees. A Great Event In one's life is the discovery of a remedy for soma long-standing maiady. The poison of Scrofula ia in your blood. You inherited it from your ancestors. Will you transmit it to your offspring? In the great majority of cases, both Consumption and Catarrh originate orig-inate In Scrofula. It is supposed to be tiie primary source of many otiir derangements of the body. Begin at once to cleanse your blood with the standard alterative Ayers Sarsaparilla "For several months I was troubled with scrofulous eruptions over the whole body. ity appetite wa bar), and my system so prostrated that I was unable to work. After trying several remedies in vain, I resolved to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and did so with such good effect that less than one bottle Restored My Health and strength. The rapidity of the cure astonished as-tonished me, as I expected the process to be long and tedious." Frederico Mariz Fer-naocles, Fer-naocles, Villa Nova de Gaya, Portugal. "For many years I was a itiilerer from until about three yeara afzo. when 1 began the use ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla, since, which the disease has entirely disappeared. A little child of mine, who was troubled with the De complaint, has also been cured by Ousmeaicuie."H. Brandt, Avoca, Kebr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY DB. J. C. ATEE & CO., lowell, Mass. SoMWDroggLu. $l,six$S. TYorthS a bottle. Depredation ra;mn. LAW OFFICE OF Examiner Bureau oi Claims t UNDER TIIE DIRECTION OF W, R. HERsTi (Editor atvl Proprietor San Fransuco Daily Mxaininer.) I John We dderbun Jtia-ziagev 618 r S1II11T KOBT WIM, Vashington, -c- U'e wii practice in the Supreme Court of the blia states, the Court nfClbima. the seven,) courts of the District o Liiiuititiia, before Committees of Con press, andu,B Executive Lepartmeuts. We obtain Tensions nnd Patent If dian, Depredation Claims and a ! casses of Land Claims, JJininsr Pre ' eruption nnd Homestead Case Prnsecnted before the General Land 1 Jlliee Department of the Interior and supreme Court. . Leave salt Lake 9 50 a in Leave Provo n 4I-, a m Leave Sprinnvllle p. Ui a 11 Leave Thistle pi 45 ,, n Leave Inilianola 131 J, ,., Leave Fairvieiv 2 24 p , Leave -Mount Pleasant 2 u In Leave Sprini; City 3 0l) "T, Leave Kphia.m 3 ... Arrive Mm. 3 ; , lu Arrive saliua 6 05 ,, m LOCAL TItil.NS SALT LIKE AMI OGDEn. Leave Salt Lake 1?:30 and '.';30 a. in 1'1-inm Arrive alt Lake 9:40 a. 111. and 9;4o p.ni 5 jj BINGHAM. LeaveSalt Lake 8:00a. m. Heturn-arrive Salt Lnke6:00 p, m, l'ulnian Palace and Buffet Sleeping Carson all through Trains, D C DODGE, J. u REWETT General llanairer. Gen. m. Jt Pusb Act A. E. WELBY, Sept. General Ollicea, Salt Lake City Utah MANTI CITY SAVJfJGS BANK. DIRECTOBS. L. T. Tuttle, President. H. J. Christenson', Vice-r rest. I Albert Tutile, Cashier. J. B. Maiden, James Crawfori, Jr. Wm. G. Crawford, Jas. Metcalf Transacts a General Banking Business. Receives deposits payable on d maud. Five per cent paid on savings deposits. Fireproof VanlL Safe Absolutely Burglar haul Money to loan on real estate, city and farm property and other approved security. Pitcher's Castorla 1 ueneral Merchandise- Are Still at Their Old stand, Main Street, Manti, Utah. fff-BOOTS & SHOESul at 5-B0TT0M PRICES.J THE MANTI LUMBER YARD, UA.9 ALWAYS ONiHAND A full lino of Furnishings, Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, O'rega and Georgia Pino Flooring, Shingles. Cresting, Windows, Doo ' ' Ceiling, liallusters, Fencing, Rustic, Door Screens, etc., at Pro and Salt Lake prices. Orders by Mail Pronipty Attended to FNorth of Sloan's Blacksmith .'ShopJT ; C HAS. Agents J OHN GMlEit, J?oj3rietQrm " Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, , When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Children Cry for s |