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Show How Ho alnnn-7(.,l tn :t. a Out Where lio Cool, 1 l iijev it. I lived on what was formerly called Slave island and occupy a fr.,mo h.m-e which is raised from the gr.aunl. i ,nrs Donald Jlollotte, a resident ci' U-j imn in the St. Louis Globe-L'emoerat. 'iA.e clamp condition of the ground makes . the island a popular place for f.nnlres and frogs, which penetrate the bor.-es. One morning while I sat in my room 1 saw a iv.itl leap through a eppk in tim tloor near a corner iu the v,.!l. A second later a cobra snake v.iis!,,-il its head through the crack and ,!pj a,;, ji,,. frog before it could get a'.vny. y :, m I Cue snake tried to with.lrnv, ,;,, p. ;u I the swelling caused by tne jT of I the frog in hjs neak render..-, the en'ort I unsuccessful, j lie disgorged bis prep, b ,f ,. . m I to one leg. Three tim.-, ,,- p ..,-,,,p i the frog anil three time, ha Em Am . ! np- Finally- bis mm!;.. .!, ; ...,;.., i j thin!.-, and ended by nimlinm 'r ----- I le- dragged it oatsAte ;ia,l mv!iilE:aa' it for good. 1 think thai y:,4 a. .a;i;i-t i a snake as you could tind eEn in'Vhis country, 1 |