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Show of interest exn-pt in Fairn, w, f -i.ru I will not recall each as-mrt Am m -nip j;i both n; tick's above raft tie. I It.. 1 have resided ami. nt; the mim.is nml vt!. .1 ith them more than IttjO'i.-s, umi th seeming attempt to laj uu !.,; in l is1 estimation of my f.ier.dr' cmiM oa.l , long to one t shaiiow m'f', i.-r S::-k of expericn-.). Tiisex;;;.iua;i;ii, I il:i'. will satisfy my friond-, so.d I i.aw no di-sire to give my i.ce:iv r ia!u, but mi ' ii j efforts as a limmspsper cor,V!-fum!ai.t i and devote all his tinm U that l.ne of j business which picves Io hi:a a & it sucre-a j The matt-T rined t- will r.ci;.: duo coDfidpraiou ut hom- wALm-at i farther eucroacliiusnt c;-'a j.;.r v. iu 'ablegate. I In e.incla-'ion I would sa i-t only one groat error O'.-cnre.!. It sh .mid bam-been bam-been "lib' in t! place of "fact.-.'" i;.i ti'e I title. Yours truly, I FltKilKtl K rul'.'M'I'.N'n n. A Slight Mistake. Fairview, Djc 27. Edit r Sentinel Dear Sir: In justice to myself and friends I beg to intrude on your space in the Sentinel by inserting the following fol-lowing In an article without signature, or mark, dated Fairview, Ojitcber 20, ISiil, and under the heading of ' Fairview Facts," a dastardly assault was made on my character, and I defy my nssailant to bring proof of any statement made by him against me in his writings. In consideration of that article proceeding from a young man of a venturesome turn of mind, and inexperienced in handling that powerful, but dangerous .tool, the pen, I thought to let charity take the place of justiee: but I must, nevertheless, announce publicly that I most emphaically dony having reported a falsehood or misrepresentation of facts in my article dated Fairview October 19. I freely admit that I might have used milder terms to express the 6ame ideas bnt the necessity of immediate action in diphtheria matters at that time prompted me to nse more forcible language lan-guage than under other circumstances would have been employed. To auy one who may have taken exceptions on that account I apologize and assure then;-that then;-that no malace prompted tbe strong, terms used, existing circumstances only, as Dr. Johnson found them on his arrival arri-val at this place. The details would require considerable consider-able space jp your columns and are not I |